Thursday, December 06, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Game Newsletter #8 "Gladiatus"

I have added the link in my menu few days ago. But i was too lazy to write about it.

Well i quit Travian (since my provinces were obliderated) and a week after that GameForge released a BG server for their game Gladiatus. Ofc i made an acc and tried the game. Turns out its a much improved version of BiteFight. It has a very nice design. The art is nice too. Some minor animations. The interface is much better now:)
I was lucky i found out about the game at the day it was lunched. That gave me an edge and i quickly became the best gladiator. UNTIL! my freakin account buged. Then it was a 4 days of painfully watching how the others are surpassing me :(
After those 4 days the game admin finaly fixed the problem and now after a few days of hard working i managed to pull myself to 9th positon. Hope to be in top 5 on monday :>

The game really kicks ass and i recomend it to all of my readers!

Oh ya. . . pls visit this link once per day if you can ^^

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Warhammer: The Age of Reckoning!

I doubt that there many people that dont know the word Warhammer so ill just break it down. . . the online game is coming and its coming HARD BABY!

Gesh man this is special for you.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Game Newsletter #7 "The lucky day"

First of all i wanna point out that i updated my blog. Now i can use the layout option which turned out to be an AWESOME shit!! Its so easy to customize my blog now ^_^
I should have done this looong ago but i guess i was scared that i may lose my current stuff.
Well i didnt lose them and im really happy ^^ this is like . . . the perfect ending to that lucky day that i am about to speak of.


Yeah yeaah i still play that crappy ass game :D Im just too addicted ^^ besides that 1 month witheout internet was a long enough vacation from the game. There werent that many new stuff in the game but it still felt weird to be back. Ofc after few hours it all came back to me (hehe).

But one of the major chagnes i did was that i spent all my stat point. I was holding those 110 pts for a long time and i finaly decided that its time to move on. Well plan didnt work out that good cuz im still not strong enough to grind in Destiny Tower :X mostly cuz i dont have good enough weapon.

And thats where my lucky part comes. Last night was the GoonZu day. 24 hours of pure exp heaven. So i was leveling up in SDP when Agart showed up. I havent seen the guy for a long time so i was really happy to chat with him. Turns out he semi quited the game :(
Hence his low activity. So we talked for a while and then suddenly he says he is going to gift me a Master Grade Damascus sword with lvl 5 enchant on it. Needless to say i teleported to him instantly :D And oh gosh its soooo cool to have a weapon like that. Since damascus isnt a high lvl sword this one even enchanted doesnt do that much dmg (about 20 more than my old) but the water lvl is high enough to bring some serious pain to those Hell Gate monsters :P

Later at the items giveout we all got cloths and i tin tin/ed the female one and oh god! I got a Tin Tin Cape ^_^ now im glowing again :P

AND i think i found someone to buy me the premium account in Gladiatus ^^ i mean HOW COOL IS THAT? ????? :D

So the i kept grinding like crazy the whole day and now im at 55% exp. 92 lvl doesnt look so far away anymore.

Another big thing i did was. . . well i made a farmer. And now i realise how stupid i was not to do that when i first joined the game. Im a stubborn idiot and sometimes that costs me alot. I couldve been alot richer if i had that farmer made like . . . 7 months ago :X
Oh well better later than never right? n im already at 34 skill pts.

Well thats a short review of my adventures in goonzu for the past week.

But i am more eager to share with you all about this new browser game i play. I switched from Travian to it :) and it totaly kicks ass.

Thursday, October 11, 2007



Deadpool e МЕГА МАНЯШКИЯ персонаж. Нейтън въобще не знаех, че е такъв ИЗРУД и първите 2 стори лайна ми бяха безкрайно интересни щото си обогатих информацията.

Обаче Уейд е тоталния катил в комикса. Тва е просто серия която трябва да имам на хартия.така се смях през първите 10 броя, че не е истина. Супер грубите коментари пуска Уейд.
Мноо се кефя и на това, че са включени истински звезди в комикса като реклама и добавя и приятна доза реализъм.

Най-якото беше като нареди всички сериали освен Приятели. за тва напрао неземен респект към сценариста :) и Арта е мега готин (поне за момента)
Аз са зарибих малко странно със 44 брой и от там почнах всичките. И просто....задължително за всеки които иска неангажиращ и забавен комикс :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Heroes: Season 2/Ep 3

Тъй като пак не съм писал от много време ето коментара ми по последния епизод на сериала "герой".

Сайлър беше ясно че ще оцелее. Но се пак леко се изненадах въпреки че го очаквах. Някво изтръпване получих. Просто като знам, че пак ще мрът мутанти. . .

За дебелата илюзионистка (не е шейпшифтър нубове такива) имам 2 теорий. Или тая дебелана беше в майнд контрол и я бяха направили кат момичето и за тва Сайлър не и зе силите.

ИЛИ са му сложили нещо в тиквата което го блоква. И 2те ми звучат достатъчно правдоподобни и дано се окажа прав. Пък и.... ква е тая барака в амазонка о.О кои ши си играе да го праща там.

Питър пък МЕГА много ме изкефи. Архи не съм съгласен с теб за волята. Ти ако си загубиш паметта и на теб ши ти е кофти сичко. Интересен беше момента с зловещата усмивка когато беше притиснал ирландеца горе на стената. От де е дошла тая злоба той преди си беше баси ангела. КОето ме кара да се замисля къде е бил преди да се озове окован в оня контейнер. Ще е мега готино ако стане некъв крадец или моб бос. The New Kingpin :)

Тая роднина при която ше седи Майкъл мисля, че е майката на Хаваеца. само кат и видях черната мутра и тия вуду маний отзад и са сетих за него. Ники боли ма кура ко ши прай тя по принцип не ми е много интересна. Андо мноо кофти, че няма кво да прави, но и поне държат актъора за таз и оназ сцена. Мен Андо ми е баси симпатичния япон4о.

Мексиканците мноо завалчено и тъпо ги показаха в тоя епизод. Ако неаш ко да разправиш за тях не ги показвай. ОСВЕН ако тоз американец дето измъкнаха от затвора не е и тои мутант. Тогава ще има повече логика с цялата тая гавра в затвора.

Таз любовна драма на Клер и Уест си беше явна още от първия епизод. Хареса ми как и каза "клер...млъкни" и литна. Уест си е готин чар ама Питър щеше да е по-намясто... жалко че и е чичо :X

Само на финала с рисунката не разбрах тва Клер ли беше или просто оня беше мноо шокиран и за тва я изгледа така. Объркан момент. Една от теорийте които мога да сложа сега е че Уест ще го убие ама не ми са вярва.

Общо взето порадната доза филмираща история. Нямам търпение до следващия епизод! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Яка разбиванка в Лазур!

Бууууаъаааъа ъаъ :D

От кога не сам писал тука а? :)

Нещо се бях зациклил с еднообразни постове та реших да спра докато не ми дойде музата за нещо по-маняшко.

Та след такава брутална разбиванка (поне за мен) в Слънчев Бряг няма как да не споделя.

Та деня беше хубав. . . аз вече се бях надъхал още от предната седмица когато се плануваше тая излизанка. Тянката говореше за супер много хора, е не бяхме супер много ама си бяхме доста наистина, пък то така или иначе не можеше да се мъкнеш и да дивееш с всички камо ли ако бяхме и поече :)- Още в автобуса са изкъртихме от олигофрения. Исках да отида при Весо да си лафим ама некви туристки изскочиха и тои ма изгони. В крайна сметка едно лапе седна при него хаха мноо яко го наиграха. Ма 2те Норвежки бяха много много стабилни путки. Едни русички с готни крака и страшни цицки. Ае напрао бонбони. Черпиха на с пуканки. Аз обаче щото бях с 1 ред по-напреде тряаше да ям бичове с торбата за да ми дадат (хаха). Весо са опитваше да им обясни къде ши ходим вечерта а мен лапето ма твареше до небето и исках да му отреже главата и да я дам на кучетата вънка.

Кат пристигнахме тряаше да съберем и останалите които вече бяха там или които щяха да изскочат . . . ае много психясала и неорганизирана раута. Напомни ми на срещите на егмонт от старите времена. Същото беше. За пореден път когато отиваме в СБ тряаше да обикаляме кат путки насам натам и да незнаем за ко стаа дума. Накрая кат са събрахме половината бяха мега изморени. Някой като мен умираха от глад а други мега изнервени. Та накрая се оказа, че няма да замезваме никъде и напрао нападнахме Лазур.

По пътя са запознах с един DJ от София които са оказа, че не е познат на никой ама се пак се мъкнеше с нас. На магия се срещнал с едни познати на мои авери и така. . .и през цялото време секи си е мислел, че тоз е приятел на някой от другите които тои не познава и .. . .. ае мега голям ташак. Ама си беше супер супер голямо лице маняка и по пътя стабилно пихме текила с него (щото тои си носеше бутилка).

Кат стигнахме са оказа, че хората искат да отидем на шибаната чалга и аз веднага изревах кат прострелян лъв или кат нещо много недоволно нз кво (хехе). Оказа се обаче че шибания Лазур имаш междинен вход към 2те зали. Нещо което аз не знаех. Винаги сам си мислех, че онова тунелче на 2рия етаж е само за персонала о.О е явно сам грешал хаха.

И тъй още в началото както винаги си избухнах с лудите танци. Имаше мноо ташаци докато намерим де да седнем толкова хора. Накрая се пръснахме из дискотеката.

Тъй кат на жените им беше спек в Хауса тряаше да се преместим към чалгара основната група. ъхм тука малко срам не срам ама тряа си призная, че са раздавах доста. . .
На ей тука с 2мата маняци които ги познавам само по физиономий пеем на некви чалгий селски ROFL. Даже по едно време на бара са усетих как за пореден път сам в крак с песните и им знам текстовете. Явно сам чалгар по душа хахахахахахахахах.
Аз обаче тъй като не можех да издържа само на чалга особено с това което беше в другата зала постоянно се мятах наляво надясно. Крака доста ме болеше по едно време ама му ударих якия игнор. Нямаше много женки обаче. . . много малко групички самотни мацки имаше и не успяхме да намажем нещо :(

С Геша на нападнаха 2 момичета от Беларус ама те нещо избягаха (хаахаха що ли)!

Иначе Басейна беше баси манията. Некви Сърби бяха го превзели половианта и пяха некви народни песни май хаха ае лудница ви каам. Аз бих шутове на наще и така за малко да контузя Гегата щото го ритнах супер кофти в рамото и тои са претърколи в басейна :Х за което си заслужавах бичове. . . или най-малкото мятане в басейна ама тъй като телефоните и портмонетата на много хоря бяха в мен бях пощаден хихи. Не че в 5 сутринта сам не ходих да си бия тикви в басейна лмао.

Оп тука и шанс да си покажа новата прическа :)
Ма напрао иделна снимка в профил а? :)
Още малко бритона тряа порасне ама кат се довърши ши е мноо готско :P
Ох за малко да забрая щеше да стане бой по едно време. Некъв маняк нз от коя държава беше щото дрънкаше на развален английски. . . та маняка доиде и ни даваше гепи на момчетата ама после нападна и жените и Адито нещо му са изнерви на водния пистолет и го блъсна в басейна. Оня викна некъв негър ама кат видяха колко сме много и май са отказаха от боя. Макар че тоз до мен горе на снимката още в началото са засили да скача. Ама го спряхме, щото иначе охраната щеше да ни даде мноо кораво и после нямаше и да има ко да праим до сутринта. Ае според мен дорбе стана, че не се сбихме макар, че щеше да е забавно да ги пребием в басейна хахаха.

После към 5 сутринта настана един спек . . . нормално де. хората бяха изморени яко пиене и танци цяла вечер ко няма. Ма точно тогава набарахме едно сепаре на 2рия етаж и нещо ми прищтрака и яко танци и гюбеци. АМА МНОГО ЯКО. На долу една снимка на мен и Геша как са раздаваме на некво ретро парче. Те сутринта много странни неща почнаха да пускат. Ама тва не ни попречи да избухнем кат луди. После и Весо доиде и само лигавни ставаха.

Момичетата си заминаха по някое време и се оказа, че ключа им за хотела е в нас. ХАХАХАХ мноо смях. Та кат си заминахме аз си чопнах една кола от един магазин. На Геша казах, че сам я купил ч да не ми са кара ^_^ и после тръгнахме да ядем. Накрая на гарата остаихме геша да тича към Несебър да занесе ключа на жените а ние си заминахме.
О в автобуса некъв кретен от Пловдив привлече вниманието на Роки щото тои не спря да го занимава. Пиха малко бира 2мата. Ма оня пловдивчанина такъв пиян и изсипан беше, Въобще не знаеше къде е. Запали цигара в автобуса -_- оригваше се кат прасе. Шофъора му напрай забележка даже по едно време. Към Ахелой повърна и един маняк искаше да го бие ама гаджето му го спря. Та накрая към началотон а морската в бурагс слезе да пикае с приятеля си и шофъора го остай. Ама беше баси и цирка и после по пътя мноо го коментирахме тоя. Роки вече има едно доста лошо мнение за пловдивчани рофл.
Както тои каза "Ае тез пловдивчани за никъв чеп не стаат, хич не носят на алкохол"
та тва беше общо взето. Аз си прекарах мега яко и са надявам скоро пак да отидем към Слънчев Бряг. щото там винаги просто е мега голямата разбиванка :П

Friday, August 03, 2007

Game Newsletter #6 "One of the strongerst"

Yes the Vampire Lord has raised again and now has takin his rightfull place amongts the most powerfull beings.

rofl what im trying to say is that im back in top 50 in Bite Fight. I wont get to the first place. Unless the lead player goes on vacation or has the bad luck of being unable to play for few days ^^
But still being in top 50 is good enough. I hope ill be around the first 30 thou :Pp
Some stupid werewolves sended me insulting letters after i attacked them so now im kicking their asses few times a day to remind them to be polite -_-`

In goonzu i dinged lvl 91 :P and now since i buyed a new wow card i think ill decrease my playing time in goonzu so i can catch up in WoW. Besides im waiting for my new fox to be trained by my mom/
I managed to bring 2 old Bulgarian players back in the game and i think that soon the bg warriors in goonzu will be a considerable power :Pp

In travian not much has happened. Im just growing my villages peacefully :P

Thursday, August 02, 2007

PC upgrade!

2 days ago i finaly upgraded my PC. I buyed myself 1GM ram and im sooo damn happy ^^

It feels good to upgrade your machine and to know that she`s going to be much more powerfull after that. I was kinda worried in the begining since Shinji told me i can place the RAM alone. Got few problems at first but in the end i managed to do it myself and it all worked out good. Was kinda laggy for a moment but later everything went so smoothly i could almost shred a tear. It feels sooo good. Shitty thing now is . . . i need a new video card. And i think that i may need it sooner than i can affor to :X

hope i get a new job soon so i can buy a good GeForce with my payment.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Game Newsletter #5 "The new awesome patch"

This is post mainly for goonzu since lots of people still havent seen this info.

Btw im kickin ass at bite fight already in top 200 :P going for top 100 tonight :P

Manufacturing Changes, interveiw with Lahar

When GoonZu's Closed beta was released two years ago there were so many aspects about it that made it so unique to other MMORPGs out there. The biggest diffrence that it still carries to this day is the fact that 90% of items in the game are player made. Players build their characters to make certain items, and it is a challenging quest to become the best at whatever item you choose to make. With recnet patch updates it seems like this hard journey that many players have come to accomplish is going to be seen as pointless because becoming an artisan seems so easy to become. So to clear up some of the worries of this I interviewed Head GM of Global GoonZu, Lahar.

Gz Times: So the first Question I have for you is, Why is Ndoors making such a drastic change in the way PD's work?

Lahar: Because we want more people to make items easily and simply.we want to take down the starting point to make it easy.

Gz Times: Are you guys worried that a lot of players are threating to quit because you are making the game too easy?

Lahar: Of course, we are worried every time we change something, but we believe it will make people like the game more and we want more people play the game without stress.

Gz Times: So for the players who have already worked hard on their PDs, what will happen to that hard work?

Lahar: it won't harm their work, they can keep themselves as PDs.this change isn't to get rid of PDs

Gz Times: Well there is word that dex and luck wont have any effect on PDs, is this true?

Lahar: it means there is no dex and luck requirement for making items..Dex is influenced highly to make good itemsLuck is for getting good drop itemsIf you want to make something special you need high DEX.

Gz Times: So, for the players who built their character upon dex and luck for PD, will they get a chance to reset their stats when the patch comes into effect?

Lahar:yes, everyone will reset their stat and skill everyone will be given the chance to re-distribute the stat and skill points again.

Gz Times: That is good. Now can you please explain the "No more skill reducing when you read books." part of the patch?

Lahar: Okk, that means only for manufacturing books, you can read them without spending skill points, so you can save your skill points and invest in other skills

Gz Times: So this will only effect skills like weapon and armor Manufacturing?

Lahar: yes, only manufacturing.

Gz Times: Will there be a cap on how many books a player can read?

Lahar: there are only 30 books, everyone can read them all without restrictions

Gz Times: So a player can read 30 books in all manufacturing skills?

Lahar: yes, and then it's up to player. Some people can make more items and get more manufacture. exp to level up their skill.

Gz Times: Will every player that reads 30 books be on the artisan list?

Lahar: yes, but there are only 30 slots, so highest PDs will list first.

Gz Times: So, will items still have a skill level requirement?

Lahar: yes.

Gz Times: In the patch update details it says "Requirement for reading books is depends on your level." can you explain?

Lahar: It means, for example, you are lvl 10 then you can read up to beginners book, but if you are lvl 30. then you can read the adv book, make sense?

Gz Times: yes, but a player still has to read all 30 books in order, 10 beg, 10 inter, and 10 adv, correct?

Lahar: yes

Gz Times: Will the rate of PG and MG be harder to get?

Lahar: no, same, or even easier depending on what the player does

Gz Times: what junk items will players get when they fail?

Lahar: Right now when you fail to manufacture you lose all mats you used right? so we change to get Junk item instead of losing everything. When you fail, you will get Junk item, you can think it is poor item. YOu can tin tin it, then you will get back some mats from it, isn't it good?

Gz Times: Yes, i think that is good. so it will be an item called "junk item"

Lahar: i just made it, can be changed by other name, something like failure or whatever.

Gz Times: ok, well i think that cleared a lot up about the patch. Does Ndoors plan on making anymore drastic changed is the games system like this in the near future?

Lahar: we will make new HG

Gz Times: oh cool, hope to hear more about that later. Is there anything else you wanted to add about that Manu Changes?

Lahar: i know many ppl worry about it, i think the reason why ppl worry is because they don't understand fully and right. i hope all misunderstanding is gone by this interview

Gz Times: me too, thanks for the time to answer these questions

Lahar: my pleasure

Thats is :P and keep visitng my blog guys i always post cool stuff :P

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Uchiha Madara!!!!

And WHAT THE FUCK its been Tobi all along o.O i cnat belive my eyes -_-` and hahahah I TOLD ya guys. Tobi is not Obito and i was right. althou i didnt expect this. and since there is no info about Madara than that he is probably the strongest Uchiha ever (based on the words of Kuybi). So what will happen next? and what are the unbeatable skills of Pain. . . man i cant wait for the next chapters its gona be one hell of a fight between Naruto and Akatsuki!
the naruto manga is getting better and better :D

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Да разтегнеш сухожилие от танци!

Дам. . . и аз така кат вас си викам WTF. как може да се случи тва. Ама на аз го направих и то два пъти. И ся куцам кат инвалид и вървя мега смешно :Х
Миналия петък като бяхме на папая мноо са раздаваха и събота сутринта се сабудих с контузен крак. 2 дена регенериране и тъкмо когато си мислех, че сичко е ок пак го разтегнах. Само че тоя път нямаше чакане да са наспа. 4 сутринта в текилата и ПРАС. болка молка. Ама Албърт му изскочи неква мацка го зарибява та останах още, че да видя ко ще стане. И чак кат приключи авантюрата си заминахме. и така в 5 сутринта от Текилата до нас куцам се едно сам бил на война и пия портокалов сок -_-
И ся е сряда и не моа отида на диско щото крака е още контузен. Жегите пък са толкова големи, че не моа дишам на вънка. Исках да отида неска след зъболекаря да си купя РАМ за компа ама беше такаа жега, че са отказах. Може да отида утре ама ши видим. пък и с тоя кирлив крак. . . баси кво толкова правя кат денся. . . явно някой ме е проклел ши ги иба -_-

Иначе лятото е много яко. и само готини неща са случват (кат изключим такиа контузий)

Game Newsletter #4 "The Vampire Lord"

Games for disccusion

Bite Fight

Bite Fight

ya baby the vampire lord azmael is stronger than ever ^_^ my mommy from goonzu buyed me a premium account for BF last night and now its payback time. Outlvl me during my vacations. How dare those werewolves and vampires to play all mighty and shit on me -_-` n im already climbing the rank ladder like crazy and its been only 1 day :P
got 6 duel loses too. Which really pissed me of.
Funny thing i noticed today is that i attacked some guy from a guild called "Italia" and i got attacked few times by its members. Guess the italian mafia has invaded the world of darkness too :D still only one managed to defeat me and he is already in my blacklist. oh cant wait to wack him later tonight ^^


Well we have a new Goonzu (Emperor) his name is koxxxx and he is from Naos. But he is already in some deep shit cuz his minister Kirin pissed off some people and now we can expect anything. I was called on a TC meeting since our boss was gone. Milo was mad or maybe just exited cuz now he has reason to war Kucha. To be honest i dont think koxxxx and his minister are guilty. or not so much so that they should be removed from position -_-` but i do want to see a war. The game has become to peacefull.

People have bitched about SIeges and PvP for so long and now that they have them noone is doing it o.O i mean wtf is wrong with everybody. and with the Jack GPs income even a huge gvg loss can be covered with 2 quests by 1 person. its saad really sad.

I think im sacrifacing my char for the good of Turphania. Cuz now with my weapon good to go for Hellgate im still grinding like hell in SDP. but now im doing it for our HG too. Cuz we need high lvl mobs and if i move on the income of dolls will decrease greatly. . . shit there is only 1 more member that hunts SDP dolls so it will be bad :X but im happy. The boss pays me 2 mil for each set of 500 dolls i fetch so i think its fair. Food is running low so soon ill have to sell my mats. i think i can fetch some good cash especialy now that i hunt Catfish too. maan catfish mats give good money :P

Oh and Ayanami the guy that showed my goonzu has decided to paly again. after about 7/8 months of break from it. Im really happy cuz it sucked alot when he quited. Now he is back and its another active bulgarian in the game. Althou if Tam doesnt come back it will be just 1 active bulgarian besides me :D rofl


Well i think im doing good. My english account is better than the bulgarian since my bg account got wacked lots of times and it slowed me down. Trying to make some cavalry now so i can start wacking too ^^

Monday, July 23, 2007

Deidara has finaly died!

Eh i downloaded the latest chapter of Naruto last night. I must say it was a real twist. well. . . maybe not a twist but a shoking surprise for all those stuff that have been revealed.

I knew it. as i said few posts early in my blgo Deidara will die. and it happened :X seems like Kishimoto really liked Deidara cuz even the other Akatsuki members got lil sad about his death.

I was really hoping that Sasuke would die too but ofc a main char to die. . . and especialy probably the most popular one in this manga :X as i said many times the manga should have been named Sasuke -___-`

I dont know that many manga or animes but still i have no memory of seeing the main char of the story having such hard time being popular amongst the fans. And if Naruto keeps growing like that even ill will start hating him. hehe

anyway whats more important is that the final members of Akatsuki are finaly revealed. Crap the 2nd member is a woman thou. a pure guys organisation wouldve been better. Now we know that the leader`s name is Pein. wahahha i wonder why :P we know he has a shapeshifting ability. and those eyes. i wonder what bloodline is this. Is it possible they are stronger than Uchiha`s eyes. After all Sharingan is the best bloodline in Konoha but what about the other villages ?? what is really interesting is the fact that Akatsuki has a hidden master. Now this guy should really be powerfull. and to think that the bijuu`s are only 9 and he didnt want one. . . or. . . maybe he planned to kill some members anyway :D so many questions now. i cant wait for the next chapter.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My comic/manga books collection :P

So inspired by a topic from the Artline forum i decided to check my stuff. and surprisingly i have a pretty small collection. . . well not small but smaller than i expected :(

Та аз се вдъхнових а и щото нямам кво да прая реших да си разровя нещата и да запиша кво имам. Имах безбожно много Мики Маус и ФЮТ като малък но сега само некви 20/30 бройки най-много да имам тях запазени. тях оба4е няма да ги включа в колекцията за т ва и ги споменавам тук.

Комикси на Български

Човека Паяк (Chapter One) / издател Top Team
#1, 3, 4, 5, 6
Железния Човек / издател Top Team
#2, 3, 4
Spawn/ издател Hit comics
#2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Spawn vs Batman/ издател Hit Comics
Creech / издател Hit Comics
#1, 2
Ultimate X-men / издател Глоб Трейд
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Класика от Марвел Spider Man/ издател Глоб Трейд
#1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15
Star Wars Obsession/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4
Star Wars: Empire/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11
Spawn/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
Battle Chasers/ издател DD comics
#1, 2, 4
Spectacular Spider-man/ издател Hit Comics
#1, 2
Spider Man (movie adaptation)/ издател Егмонт България
Batman Begins (movie adaptation)/ издател Егмонт България
Batman and Robin (movie adaptation)/ издател Егмонт България
Конан/ издател ФФ комикс
Star Wars: Purge/ издател Artline
Star Wars: X-Wing/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3
The Goon/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4
Samurai Heaven and Earth/ издател Artline
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Sin City / издател Artline

Original English comic books

Spawn/ publisher Image
#100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108
Warlands/ publisher DreamWave
#1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Warlands: Three Stories HC/ publisher DreamWave
Warlands 1/2 / publisher DreamWave
Crux/ publisher CrossGen
#1, 2
Star Wars/Conan: free comic book day / publisher Darkhose
Civil War / publisher Marvel
#1, 2
Civil War: Amazing Spider-man TPB / publisher Marvel
Includes Amazing Spider-man #532-538
Civil War: New Avengers Premiere Edition/ publisher Marvel
Includes New Avengers# 21-25


WarCraft / publisher TokyoPop (да аз имам оригиналите )
#1, 2
Naruto / publisher Viz Media
#1, 2, 3
Berserk / publisher Darkhorse
#1, 2, 3
Hellsing / publisher Darkhorse
#1, 2, 3
One Piece / publisher Gallanz
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5

подредил сам нещата хронологично по начина с колкото сам се сдобил с нещата. ся на артлайн комиксите може да са малко разбъркани ма те излизаха доста в кратък интервал тъй че пак същата раута.

Еми това е моита скромна колекция. . . деба мислех 4е имам повече неща като цяло мангата я цена като злато или автограф от Еминем тъй че нейната стоиност няма да коментирам иначе от другите неща може би най-стноиностните са Споун 100 които е не само супер як брой ами и е култовия 100 брой и като луд Споун фен се кефя на макс че го имам оригинал. Другото е Warlands 1/2 които е много рядък и се е продавал само през некво списание или ко беше. Има си специална опаковка и сертификат за автентичност с автографи от единия от авторите и некъд директор от Уизърдс същия брой го има и включен в HCто Warlands: Three Stories които включва и още два редкия броя в него. Абе въобще сичко коеот имам на Уарлендс го ценя мега много щото комиксите са просто къртачка. Сигорно и комиксите по Civil War са ценни щото самия евент е супер мащабен и има много важни събития в него. . . примерно разкриването на самоличноста на Спайдър мен. Докато преглеждах и подреждах комиксите си забелязах колко доста неща сам прескочил и колко неща ми липсват. Хубавото е че лесно мога да наваксам щото все още Бг комиксите не се копуват толкова масово че да се изчерпат. А и сега с многото лесни начини за поръча от чужбина лесно ще ъпгрейдна колекцията. което ще стане доста скоро.

Game Newsletter #3 "Finaly level 90!"

Games for discusion.

Bite Fight
Halo 2


lmao well i leveled on goonzu day which ended 2 days ago but still how can i not share this great moment of my goonzu career :P Its soooo cool to be in the 90s club :))) i cant wait to get my 90 level gift from Ray :> oh and i have a wanderer set now too pity its only for 4 more days. Its soo awesome. Probably the best looking cloth set atm. They openeed yet another town which is a mistake. I hope they make a pause now cuz players are getting really scatered amongst the towns n it really sucks. We need fresh recruits and we need them NOW>!!!!!! cmon readers start playing goonzu n fill all those towns :P
Another big news is that the last patch reversed again the elemental powers of enchants. Which is better in my opinion and more importantly at least makes sense. But shit is. . . they did it too late and looooooots (probably whole server) of players lost alot of money since their high enchanted weapons now are weak in the places they were ment to be strong. Ofc they are still good but still it sucks alot. But i think some people are whining about it too much. . .probably just like to whine and whenever there is the smallest chance to complain they do it.
The new rare item of the month is rather dumb. A kitty carpet with which if you put it in your inventory and sit down it will fastly regenerate your mana and hp. it looks cool thou. ill give it that. n just now i can see some use of it in GvG but even with this its pretty much useless :X


Now since i went on vacation my growth was put on a huge hold. Which made few people leech like hell from my resources and even now that im back the continue to annoy me with their attacks. But im still developing my economy but now since those jerks keep bugging me i have to build some military buildings and soon ill surprise them with a huuuge army ^_^

Bite Fight

rawr 2 weeks gone and people are so ahead of me that im starting to feel weak -_-` i was in top 50 and now i cant find myself even in top 200 :X still im kickin ass but it feels bad being amongst the low ranking vampires :(
And some bug occured yesterday and gravedigging and manhunt doesnt work so now we can do only duels. at least its for everybody so noone is gaining anything now :) i hope most of the people still try to make manhunt and waste their points :P

Halo 2

Well Halo is a game series that i believe needs no introduction. WE PC gamers finaly have the chance to get our hands on it and its going to be awesome. But ill wait to upgrade my RAM first then ill give it a try.

well that was for todays newsletter :P

Monday, July 16, 2007


Okay okay im back form my vacation in Hungary. For those who dont know i was in Budapest the capitol of the country and it was awesome. Sry i dont have any pics to show you guys :( i do have some on my cell phone but they are mostly of places i visit like some castles and churches.

N are not of very good quality n since i dont have cable to upload them to my PC i wont go to the trouble of finding or buying one since they are not so special. I do show them to my friends here in Burgas thou :>

im still wondering if i should write a huge post of what i did there and how i spended my days at that awesome town that Budapest is. Its much to write and i already told to so many people what i did so it is pretty annoying to repeat it. So please understand ^^

So what i do want to talk about now is the awesome movie Transformers. I just read some very bad reviews of the movie and i start to think that only people that dont like the films they watch are writing reviews in the internet.

I mean how can anyone not like such a AWESOME AWESOME movie o.O

Its a pure shot of high quality (fuck probably the BEST) CGI animation. You just cant stop adore the cool robots that are shown to us. N they look so real that i had the feeling they gona smash me or shoot me during some scenes of the movie. The story is pretty simple but a movie like that doesnt need a complex story. You just sit watch the awesome action and special effects and enjoy. And with all the scenes where the USA goverment is driven nuts by the high tech of the decepticons you can really get a feeling of a mass destruction.

Just see that picture i uploaded.
Freaky isnt it :P click on it too zoom so you can really see what i mean. Note that everything is so perfect. even the Truck driver is watching at Optimus a small detail you cant really see during the movie but speaks highly about the team that made the movie.

For me this is for the moment one of the best movies this year along side 300 and probably Spider-man 3. Still there is alot of time till the end but for now this is one of my "most probably" candidates for the best 2007 year title :P
and definetly comes as one of my fav movies ever.
Everyone should go and enjoy this masterpiece in a movie theater everything else is just a waste. althou i am going to buy a dvd of that movie :P

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Garfield lmao :D

Ive been itching to post something from the garfield site for quiet sometime now :D
and i dont know why but this strip made me laugh so bad last night i just couldnt take it anymore.
So here it is ^^ my first Garfield strip that ima gona post and the first of many others to come.

From now on ill probably post 1 strip for each of my posts :D

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Naruto Manga Chapter #359

It was delayed for a while but its finaly here :P

I readed the chapter last night n i was blown away. as usual :P

I have grown very attached to Deidara you know. . . i find him so cool with his crazy explosion talk. Probably cuz im a pyromaniac myself so we do share something in common hmm ^^

And althou he is ranked weakest among Akatsuki (or maybe now Tobi has this position) he has incredible fighting style. And has been shown the most to us. What i enjoy most at his char is that Kishimoto shows someothing different everytime we see Deidara. Not like other of the main chars that have same fights over and over again. . . each battle Deidara foughts has something unique in it. And he has survived alot :P

now he is faced against Sasuke. and of course hi Sharingan. We see yet another cool set of moves from Deidara and even get a flashback at his joining the vicious ninja organisation. There is alot of drama in his story arc. I think this is finaly the time where he will die and that makes me sad . I would love to see more of him in the future but everything points in the grave location. What really pisses me off is that Tobi is not doing shit. He planted Deidara`s mines in the begining but we didnt see anyother actions from him. I wonder what will he do when/if deidara dies.

well i guess ill have to wait till next time ^^

Game Newsletter #2 "Unlucky vampire!"

Games for discussion.

Bite Fight


Bleh after the goof with my sword i decided its time to relocate my fundings. So as soon as i got extra cash i buyed some Turphania shares. I know i know . . . they are extreamly expensive but i just couldnt help it. Besides this is going to be my home town so it will be good if i own part of it :P and i think that my shares will pay off in the future ^^ i loaned from TORQUE88 17,600,00 marbles. but im getting pretty well with the profits lately so i think ill manage to repay him quiet faster.

I got a new member to the guild last night. A kid that i have been monitoring for a while. Even gave him my fox for 11 days since i wont use it anytime soon. A good welcome gift dont you think ^^ i got 15k gp another 9k n ill catch up with cheCHEn. then ill have to run after Torq n his 51k -____-

I have a new very promising student too. He is lvl 42 now and is progresing very well in the game. Doesnt ask dumb questions nor for money or anything. I think he gona be a very good player after a month or two :) bonus for him he uses itemmall. Got himself a small medal and a brownie which he will get fully trained in 2 days. Lots of potential in the kid. Probably gona add hm in Akatsuki when he reaches 50 lvl


bleh the militaristic part of the game is hard. Each troop has 1 upkeep . . . which makes the decisions pretty hard for me. My english account got farmed once n it wasnt a pretty moment :(
Now im building barracks n starting to train some defenses. I think ill need a market soon too cuz i just gain too much resources.
Hope i can post my first battle victory in here in the next few days ^^

Bite Fight

I am an unlucky vampire :( for 2 days i have failed half of my manhunts. n now im struggling to keep my place in the top 50. I keep losing duels with clearly weaker werewolves which bugs me to no end. N why do they have such a strong equipments o.O or maybe they are with premium accounts!?! who knows...whatever the reason is i am not happy.
I donated 500 gold to the alliance today. some bug devoured them n i lost it :( seems i should donate 100 by 100 :X
We need to lvl up soon so i can add 3 more vampires. or else the other big alliances gona get all good players!

im lvl 7 btw ^^ gona collect 6k gold to buy a imba good armor with which ill be a killing machine :>

well that was it for Newsletter 2 ^^

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Game Newsletter #1 "Enchanting sucks!"

Since ill write about few games ill start this column called Game Newsletter.

Games today:
Bite Fight

Todays main topic is the enchanting system in goonzu which i experianced first hand yesterday night.


as i said today`s main topic is the enchanting system of goonzu. 2 days ago i decided its time to get my hands on some decent sword and enchant it. But since sword have such a crappy dmg if i wanted something good i had to buy 1 of the high swords. I was sick of waiting for a good fav or lux sword. So i buyed a normal iron slasher. pretty good one too just for 11 mil. and while the future enchant sword was worth the money the situation wasnt like that with the crap swords i needd. each fuckin piece of junk i had to buy costed me between 8 or 9.5 mils -_____-`
not to mention i needed to buy blessing stones and at the end even few waters cuz my supply ran short.

So i started enchanting did to lvl 3 everything was ok i was happy...until i decided to pick on lvl 4. now... my first lvl 4 failed. i thought... okay. . . its normal to fail sometimes. then i tried again and not it only faield but it de-graded my weapon back to lvl 3 -___-` i mean how fucked up is this. then i enchanted back to 4 and tried to go for 5. . .faild and back to lvl 3. lost all my cash that i have been saving for the past 2 weeks. I was so depressed.

the enchating system in the game really sucks. too hard to enchant i mean. . .its good to lose few times so the elemental stones can sell in market and the flow can keep going. But i mean 5 lvl having 40% of succes o.O thats not real. and the amx lvl atm are 10 o.O
and the losing grade shit. . . why do we need that. not only you lose your items on the fail but you have to waste 1 extra enchant to bring it back to the way it was. I mean cmon. . . thats not fair. At least if we had something that can increase that chance of succes -_-`

still last night i unsealed the sword and it is kicking ass. i couldve waited for enchant 4 but im kinda after if i get the money for another try and if i fail again. that would seriously piss me off.
so with nearly 100 dmg more im kickin octo ass again and well. . . hope i get on my feet soon enough ^^

Oh and today we finaly got our patch. Jee they sure took their time. Heard that players lose their shares cuz of the town hall bug. buildings running low in durability. . . they should have made a small patch to fix this long ago. Anyway if everything is ok when they put server online ill probably leave sambara and head for Turphania with Mommy and torq and tamwyn. Maybe others from guild gona go too. pity i have only 20 shares from Turphania. . .maybe i should have invested in shares than my sword -_-`

Bite Fight

Okay now this game i found even before my Travian post few days ago. but i didnt write anything cuz i wasnt sure if i gona play serious. well turns out that the Bulgarian server is pretty active and growing everyday :) we even have people from different countries. which i dislike alot cuz some of them have premium accounts and they got a serious boost cuz of that :(
But still i managed to catch up with the big guys and now im switching positions in the top 50. Made myself an alliance named "Akatsuki" (i wonder why :D ) and i hope it prospers well.
I hope this post makes you visit the game and maybe you will start playing too.
But either way pls visit this link so i can get few gold coins for my vampire ^^


Now this strategy game is really someting nice. I found that there is a bulgarian server too (is it just me or lots of games lately have bg versions o.O ) so i made second account there. besides i have better chances of being top player in my country`s server. Im pumping my resources atm having lil hard time with economy on 2nd account but it will be ok soon enough i hope. Still got 4 days of protection i think. So im starting to think about military aswell. Ill try making few fast raids when i go OOP. hope it works out good ^^

If you like nice browser games that req good planning of enocomy and tactics this is a game for you. Of course the best game for me is still Utopia, but i just dont have the time to play it.

well that was it for my first Game Newsletter :P

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

well i think it is obvious what im going to write about :P

I watched it 2 nights ago but was kinda busy so i didnt have time to post my review. . . ok ok i was lazy :D this post is special for 3skimo who wanted to know how good the movie is.
So where do i beggin. . . first of all this was one of the most anticipated movies by me. I loved the first one it was amazing. I dont know why people hated it so much -_-` sometimes im stunned by peoples reviews. I think after few years the F4 movies will be much much more appeciated.
Not to mention that most of the negative opinions come from non comic readers. . . and after all this is a comic going live.
Since the movie started with it ill talk about the CGI effects. . . technology has grown soooooooo much. The effects are just (wacko) no words cant describe how good they were. then again every new movie has extreamly good special effects and CGI. So at that area none can see shit.
Now the plotline. Well it was natural having in mind that we have as new villains The Surfer and Galactus (who we unfortunatly didnt saw during the movie). The Surfer comes to earth to scout out for his master`s next dish causing lots of troubles and anomalys around the globe. During that time Reed Richards (mr fantastic) and Sue Storm (the invisible girl) were planning their 2nd wedding (appretantly they fucked up their first one :D ). So after a while the surfer cames and crashes their wedding and heh...ofc our heroes go after him to save the world. During the Surfers pop up another villain re-apears i think i dont need to name him^^ so basicly thats it. Simple and straight plotline. But the good about this movie is not the story but how she was told to us. Amazing effects and amazing acting by the crew.
Chris Evans doesnt stop to amaze me with his acting as Johny Storm. Its not a comedy movie but there were tons of scenes where i laughed the shit out of my ass :D amazing guy and after see him in project Sunshine i really have good impresion for that guy. For me he is the star of the Fantastic Four movies and he is impersonating his character best of all the others.
So i dont know. . . if you are looking for a fresh new super hero movie with astonishing effects and battles and mixed with alot of humor F4 Rise of The Silver Surfer is your movie.
Im not gona address the comic fans or the fans of the first movie cuz they gona see it anyway.
For me this is one of the MUST SEE movies of this year!

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Hah by chance i found this cool browser game. I like the nice animation art and i reged to give it a try. So far it looks very nice. Simple and yet with oportunity for lots of strategies. Since its a browser game i can play it when im on the pc even if doing something else.
Added it on my menu links :P
Ill give some more info when i get more deep into the game ^^

Friday, June 15, 2007

Damn i want a sword!

So i was planining to go to Hungary and i didnt pay my WoW account. Eventualy i got sick (i posted about my sicknes but it was in Bulgarian) but i decided not to pay the acc anyway. So im back in goonzu. Jeez lots of people have grown so soooo much. Ray and Torque are so fuckin strong its not even funny -_-` not to mention how rich they got. My sponsor Tam dinged to 85 and made me enough Reco Points to buy a Vixen ^^ so weee now i have my first nine tail fox :P
but its still untrained. I need the inventory slots so im keeping it with me. Lucky for me i have recko neck so im slowly training it myself. but it really is SLOW. . . but heh what can i do. 3 months witheout me surely is alot of time. Missed some cool events but at least there is always something going on now. Ndoors keep messing the game up with every patch. I mean wtf o.o what are the odds of screwing someting every fuckin time they update the game.

We have now a monthly rare items that can be receive from itemmall. I already missed the cool Wolf mount :( and ill probably miss the special leader set too.

Few days ago i saw imba good sword in market but it costed 24 mils so i couldnt buy it -_-` i started saving cash but in the end someone got it. Now i hope next time a good weapon shows up ill have enough money to buy it. Im at 7x% so few days and ill probably ding my 89lvl ^_^
I think they fixed the ram thingy with the multy acc cuz now i dont crash my second client anymore. So now im training and leeching mules to get few extra bucks and more importantly elemental stones.

Since im sick and i have lots of time im seriously considering to make that goonzu fan site i wanted to do so long ago. But my net is so freakin unstable lately that i cant afford to start making site.

Oh and we had our last Dark Army event today. after the next patch they gona apply a new D.A and hopefully a better one too.

The guild is currently lvl 33 and we are one of the top guilds in the server. We did few GvGs the past days and the others totaly kicked ass. As always i didnt fight cuz my weapon is still the same as before. Ill probably make 1 farmer soon and see how profitable its going to be.

well thats it. and oh ya. . . if the game sounds interesting to you dont hesitate to write me ill be more than happy to teach you and add you to my team ^_^


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Слави напуска BTV?

преди малко попаднах на новината. Останах с доста смесени чуства. Макар и да е още само слух най-вероятно Слави няма да се върне повече в шоуто си. За всеки случай "Шоуто на Слави" е доста плоско от както него го няма. Росен Петров е страхотен сценарист, но в никакъв случай не е шоумен и просто дори гарантирани шеги звучат толкова тъпо от неговата уста, че често ми е противно да гледам предаването. Макар, че имаше и няколко добри попадения. Пишеше още, че БТВ ще пуснат съвсем ново предаване до 2 месеца и даже вече се набирал екип. Аз лично смятам, че е добра идея Слави да се оттегли а и му станах голям анти фен с грубите му изяви в Music Idol и след гостуването му на Росен. Супер гадни черти от характера си показва и много мутрее (не че няма причина) което мен ме дразни.
Но като цяло ще си остави положителни спомени в мен. Много пъти сам се сцепвал от смях докато сам го гледал и разказва вицове мега яко :) да е жив и здрав Славчо.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Шарката е гадна раута!

От миналия понеделник сам болен от шарка. Тва е бахти и тварежната болест. Не мога да излизам (а и ме е срам да изляза) в началото и не можех да спа щото ме сърбеше много, а повярвайте супер трудно е да се въздържаш. Само гадни неща. Загуих си сичките пари от билета за Унгария щото станаха едни много тъпи филми. Нищо, че бащата каза, че няма проблем аз се пак сам алчен и исках поне 50% да си прибера в джоба и щях да сам доволен :/ ех да най-тъпото с цялата болест е че се разболях 4 дена преди да замина. И ся си седя вече седмица и нещо закотвен в нас. Ям кроасани, солети и пия лимонада кат насран. и въобще само некви сладки неща ям и почна да ми писва. Неска забелязвам супер голямо подобрение ама още имам демидж по тялото. Дано до края на седмицата да се опрая щото откачам в нас. Бахти и точно лятото да се разболея СУПЕР СУПЕР шибано -_-

Sunday, June 10, 2007

You know the world is going crazy when...

“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America’s Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn’t want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon.“- Chris Rock

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My only fear!

Few days ago i had my most terrible experiance in my life so this is what happened:

I got blind for about 10 maybe more minutes. It was horrible and it happened outside during the morning when i went out to the market. And it wasnt that black thing they usualy describe. It was like a huge flashlight was shot in my eyes and only thing i could see was white. its like. . . im looking at the sun or my lamp at very very close range. It was kinda blurry thou so in the beggining i was like "hm its probably cuz i just woke up" then my head started spinning i had the feeling i will throw up. I stoped at some tree to rest n i was hoping it will pass. It got lilttle better so i tried my luck and entered the market. Big mistake cuz on the stairs i got fully blind again good thing its a small place and i have been there milion times or else i couldve trip or something. I got little how should i call them. . . temporary windows so i could see from time to time. I was planing to buy lots of stuff but i got so freaked out i just got one bread. At that moment i completely lost it again. I got lucky again and managed to give the right amount of money but after that i blowed when i stretched my hand for the change and hit one of the shelfs with chewing gum. At that moment i felt like a total handicap and i could practicaly feel the ironical look of the woman as she was trying to put the money in my hand. I was very embarresed too. After that i went out and my vision was starting to work fine too until i aproached the park just before my place. There i got my head all spinning and shit and my eyes couldnt see too so i was walkin like a drunk retard praying not to fall or throw up before i go home. And i did and it was amazing as just 10 meters before the front door of the block my eyes were getting back to normal and by the time i entered the apartement i was 100% ok. But i was soo freaked out. I was standing in the bathroom for about 1 hour just staring at myself and touching my eyes. Before that day i always said that i have no fobias but now i can witheout hesitation say that i got one now and thats of getting blind. Its terrible and just the thought of this happening to me again can make my legs shake in terror.

Monday, April 30, 2007


God im being so lazy lately. I know i have abondoned my blog AGAIN. but well i wasnt feeling like writing here. And now since i dont work anymore i log in skype and forums so rarely people are starting to forget about me -_-`

but ive been lazy not only about that. I do no i guess im in summer vacation mood or something.

So. . .

My chinese hair style soon gona be complete. I just need to visit the hair stylist which im kinda afraid of. Hehe i mean since when I am going to dumb fashion shops. Even people are still surprised in not wearing something on my head. n sometimes they even laugh at me :D
But well thats me. . . changing all the time. I was at the capitol few days ago n my sis noted that just for few months since we last met and ive already changed alot.

Hm. . . i was planing to post my developing in World of Warcraft but since i was so lazy i skiped the first 60 lvls. Thats right . . . Darkhan is lvl 60 now. Im getting the Burning Crusade this wednesday. i went to buy it today with a friend but the dumb shops werent working cuz of some dumb day of the workers or shits like that -_-`

Its amazing what Blizzard have acomplished with that game. Im enjoying it so much and the story is very nice. Cant wait to visit outland. I made exalted with Undercity last night. Man its so funny to do the newbie quests. Got the epic 60 lvl mount too. But a guildie helped me since i didnt have the gold to pay. and after the purchas i was left with only 3 silver. Shit i couldnt even fly to Tanaris :D

Im kinda dissapointed. My skills with the rogue are not so good. Im learning but i hate when some dumb alliance hero beats me -_-` if i was a mage i would pwn the shit out of them n kick their asses back from Kalimdor to Stormwind. hehe

I hate that after TBC got released its almost imposible to make a raid to the old instances :(
and i wanna kill Onyxia so bad. Not to mention Ragnaros.

There many bulgarians in my server too. Gosh im beggining to think that all teenagers in Bg are taking weed and drugs :D we are all crack heads or ex crack heads :D its crazy man -_-`

oh ya. . . i havent played goonzu in a while now. loged few times for 30 mins but thats it. I feel kinda sorry i cant play both games. . . but well i still need to maintain my real life ne? :P

well ill stop for now. . . maybe ill make a short review of my Asian visit to Sofia later. If i dont fall asleep althou ill probably hit the Alterac Valley of WoW ^^

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fujii Takashi- Oh My Juliet!

Oh gosh im posting this for 10245830 time!

I love the video its so freakin funny :D and the song is amazing too. But Takashi is dancing so gay and funny im laughing the shit out of my ass! he looks so diao too :P

Hope you enjoy it!

World of Warcraft- Darkhan is back!

Whoa whoa time to post again la.

I got my copy of WoW 11 days ago. gosh Gesh i hate you mon. . . convincing me to play again -_-
i was thinkin 3 days should i buy the game or not. I had money and well didnt know what to do with them so ya. . . one morning i woke up and. . . i just wanted to paly wow. I called my friend he was in school so it took lots of time to explain me where is the shop from witch i can buy the game (gosh we are retarded town only 1 oficial game shop). I went there but i was kinda ashemed im going to buy wow i pretend i was buying it for my lil bro (i dont even have a bro :P ) and the sellsman turned to be a girl (pretty hot too) she even gave me some free stuff as bonus (guess im hot too ne:P ). So filled with exitement and happynes i went back home. Instaled the game and got luck to find a new copy so i didnt need to patch much. I was wonderign if i should start new char or play my old Troll Rogue. In the end i decided to play with Darkhan again. And man am i glad i did that. There sooo many changes in the game. The new honor system is much better but doesnt allow people to grow in rank -__-` and since darkhan was few ranks up before i quit last time now im Grunt :P and some new people will never get the chance to be in the horde army. haha im so lucky la ^_^ and i got this cool trinket from the warsong clan witch got for only 2 gold and now is so expensive :P hihi

im leveling slowly thou. not taht much time to play +i fool around too much. Doing low lvl quests and stuff. But im just so into the game world cuz im warcraft fan. i like reading the quests and stuff to figure out the story. And i got so into fishing and cooking. Im gona become artisan pretty soon and start making amazing stuff and sell them in market for tons of gold (or so i hope). Havent made so many battlegrounds althou i need to so i can get some nice prizes for me. I guess i did so many battlegrounds with my trial acc cuz i was limited to the action i can perform. Well no more... now i can do everything.

Today i got the Cosmos addons. they are amazing. ANd especialy the all in one inventory addon. that kicks ass ^_^

now im at work and i dont feel much like playing so i just chat lots and play some goonzu :) and chat there too ^^

Monday, March 05, 2007

Джоли добавя виетнамче към интернационалното си семейство

Е тва е ве............. тая жена е луда :)- баси как искам да осинови мен. . . хехе
Мноо се кефя на работата на Джоли дарения посещения из страни от 3тия свят. това говори само яки раути за нея...освен че и тя е яка!

Сори че напоследъка не пиша пак в блога..ма както поечето от вас знаят играя УоУ отново. . . и дори като имам свободно време ме мързи. Имам доста материал да споделя в блога..... мам ързела е най-великото оръжие! хихи

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Преди малко изгледах филма "Ghost Rider"! Да си кажа мноо сам впечатлен. Страхотни ефекти надъхващи звуци брутална анимация. Просто о.О се изцъклих от сякъде ама отсякъде. Никълъс Кейдж се е справл страхотно с ролята си. Всички актйори се справиха блестящо. . . не май тая женката Рокси са изложи малко ма то нея са я сложи да показва цици не за друго. но пък по тази точка мацката няма грешка :P
Не сам чел комиксите по Призрака и ся много ме е яд. Но пък ще видя как да поправя тази грешка. Филма макар да е час и половина се развива прекалено бързо. . . (дано има Директорска версия) и няма никво развиване на персонажите. Просто ни заливат с информация и събития и зрителя няма време да асимилира. Началото си беше перфектно...бавно и съвсем типично и очаквано. . . и в един момент филма избухва и ни смазва с елементи. Някак си не успях да се вживея напълно. И битките при всичкия този визуален потенциал да ги направят толкова скучни и елементарни. Нещо ни сам задоволен откъм екшън. Тои нашия излиза като некъв непобедим катил дет точно за 20 секунди моеж да победи всеки. Дори на финала стана така и въпреки хитрия начин да убие blackhearth можеше преди това поне да се помлатят малко да се надъхаме. Филма наистина разчита прекалено много на визуалното качесто и са се изложили с остатъка. Но пък кво. . . за тва е и Американски филм..те са наблягат по принцип на ефектите. Филма е стабилен и всеки трябва да го гледа. . . поне комикс феновете ^^ . За всеки случай не блести с нищо друго освен с страхотна компютърна анимация. . . ама нея вече може да я видим навсякъде.
Не очаквайте уникат а просто един приятен за гледане филм.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Hair style

Новата прическа рулира. Още има да расет косата обаче пак е станала маняшка. А дори не сам си давал зор да я правя. Ма ми е много бухнала. . . преди улягаше заради шапките ма ся филма е гаден. . . искам не иска ще трябва да отиад на фризйор да зема някой друг съвет и да ме клъцнат малко щот аз "не разбира" пък тряя вече да почна да офермям раутите. Готиното е че имам много варианти и мога да експериментирам. пък ако с дългата коса нищо не стане напрао режа и прая къси бодли с зелена коса и сичко е ток.

Мноо се замислям напоследък дали да не си купя УоУ да играя. ма май ще е по-добре да не го прая. Пък и ся треа се ходи на даскало. Вече карам само нощни смени и ши е добре да се концентрирам малко над учебниците колкото и да не ми се иска.

Мисля тая вечер след нощната да отида да си видя стария клас ко праи. От кога ни сам ги чувал. И мноо му са ходи на диско. . . и ако скоро не изскочи оферта ши са ядосам!

Искам и да изляза с сестрата ма тя ся през седмицата мноо е заета :(

миии тва е...седя си с парички ся в нас и нз ко да прая с тях. искам мангааааа .....

Jay Chou and goonzu :P

Jay Chou is my curent favorite chinese singer ^_^ i really like his work. and he has amazing MV too. A true artist. Now in order to get his songs i joined the site and its forum. I met pretty nice and interesting people there! The forum design is kinda ugly for my taste but its ok. . .if its for Jay :P

Im still trying to figure out how to post youtube videos in my blgo. When i learn it ill post some of his stuff so you can all enjoy them!

I added the site in my favorites since im visiting it as much as i can :P
Ill change my background pic soon hope you like that cosmetic least i do ^_^!

Im at work now and trying to instal a copy of Goonzu here but since i didnt have time to make a rar its taking a hell lot of a time. And the stupid DC keeps disconecting... -_-` pisses me off.
Talatat is going to have a Siege against Kucha o.O and even if i had to beg ill get my chance to kick bossmans ass -_-` my eager for revange is that big ^^

other cloning program is on hold :( but i leveled az :P and i have more than 5 mil in my bank ^_^
and we had few GVGs these days...but we are still weak and unexperianced.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Still No Town

The 5 days already passed but me and Tamwyn are with no towns and i think we will be free for quite some time :P Im almost lvl 85 now ^_^ and i have refunded myself very nicely. Althou i lost 1.4 mil for buying a stupid special rose :( witch was a huge mistake. But im not very mad about it. . . i was just so curious to get one (hehe).

Also i started my cloning program. Witch basicly is making 100 noob chars and leech them to lvl 20 as sponsor and mentor :P that will boost my money reputation and voting power in the future!
ultimately ill try to out repu monkeybibi...althou that will eb extreamly hard to do....jeez this guy has 60+ rep lvl o.O

in my cloning program im gettin help from Styliest...i dont remember how i met this guy but im glad i did. Hes a great player and a very nice dude. PLayers like him are treasure to all games and im glad his in talatat (althou im not in the town anymore). Pity hes not in my guild thou. . . he would made such a great ally ^_^ active, talkative, willing to help... damn im so lucky to know him!

Aw ya...i changed our guild name to Akatsuki in honor of the ending of the Naruto fillars !

We lost a gvg against Divinities but now me and Chichiro came up with a plan to refund nicely our gp! Ill start it tonight when i get home! And damn..i want a fuckin LUX SWORD :( -__-`

Curse of The Golden Flower

Curse of the Golden Flower

Chow Yun-Fat as Emperor Ping
Gong Li as Empress Phoenix
Jay Chou as Prince Jai
Liu Ye as Crown Prince Wan
Ni Dahong as Imperial Doctor
Chen Jin as Imperial Doctor's Wife
Li Man as Jiang Chan
Qin Junjie as Prince Yu

Directed by Zhang Yimou

От много време исках да прасна ревю ма се ма мързеше или нямаше време. Е крайно време е да го похваля филма.

Проклятието на златното цвете (бе на Бг не ми звучи толкоз яко) е Китайска мега продукция базирана на истински исторически събития. Със събран един наистина звезден колектив от актъори...стига ви да видите само Императора (в ролята Чоу Юн Фат) и китайската звезда Джай Чоу и от там нататъка няма ко да си говорим. Една наистина потресаваща драма...с много колоритна и интригуваща история. . . много яки обрати. И още по-страхотни декори и костюми които мен лично ме вкараха в тотален тъч. Страх ме е да си помисля колко пари са вкарани за всичките тези костюми и за парите необходими за наемането на таолкова статисти! И жените....баси имам чуството, че са изкарали сяко момиче с големи гърди в тоя филм. . . което е голям бонус де :P

Според мен секи трябва да го гледа този филм. . . екшъна също е на много добро ниво. Кратката схватка между Джай Чоу и Чоу Юн Фат в началото е доста впечатляваща и ефектна. А и финалната развръзка е доста надъхваща с всичките тия войници. . . за момент даже ми напомни на властелина на пръстените. И оутрото на филма е една много красива китайска песничка!

Monday, February 12, 2007

GoonZU back online

Today when i came at work i was chating with some friends in skype and suddenly i decided to try dl goonzu from home again. It didnt work (again) but this time i got an idea...a briliant idea as it turned out. So i managed to dl the game. Extracted it here and now. . . well i can play again from work. Witch means im back in the game :P ^_^ cuz i have skiped playing for like a week :( i couldve been lvl 85 by now. But better now than never right? :P
Ill be lvl 84 tonight and then i think ill go hunt some oak in Tiny Ticket so i can PD some rifles. I wanna get the "A" letter for the new valentine event. I hope i can create at least 1 rose until it finishes. Althou...with my luck lately i doubt it :X

Oh yes...i got kicked from talatat for breaking rulz! o.O i was just fooling around but i guess...most of the town doesnt have my sense of humor :X Mommy said she wont let me back in town so. . . ill be returning to Kucha with Tamwyn i guess. Or wait for the new town to open. I still dont know what to do! and i jsut missed a great offer for 10 free stinky hotpots :( . . . as i said my luck sucks lately in goonzu!

Wicked Birthday

хахах снощи бях на РД на некво лице (дет дори ни го познавам) една приятелка ма покани да отида с нея. Беше стабилно купонче бих казал. Дадох му пари на маняка щот деа знам ко да му зема :Х ма и тои се зарадва. . . което не ме очуди много ние момчетата поече ценим парите щото може си земем кот искаме...место някой да ни копува дрехи и бла бла. Ма бяха поечето лапета (сравнени с мен, ееее то и аз един батко). Момиченацта бяха свежарки ма момчетата са оляха кат свине и поечето станаха баси олигофрените и нз ко праят. Един маймун го зачатках по едно време, щото прекалено мноо са лигавеше и въобще нз за ко стаа дума. Някой ми повърна на анурака и така и не разбрах кой беше. . . то ко няма сички изглеждаха еднакво зле. Ма си беше яко. . . имаше мноо ядене и мноо пиене. . . ма нещо момичетата мноо стеснителни бяха ^^!

Тряаше излизам с секретарката ми неска...обаче времето беше супер лошо и си останах в нас. Да не каам пък кога се сабудих хаха! Ударих едно кафе преди работа и . . .ми ся сам на бачкане и си пиша в блога. Оправих си гунзу тука на сървара и отново имам ко да прая в спокойните вечери тук. (баси кефа е така без клиенти)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Февруарската аниме среща!

Тъй тъй поредния месец поредната аниме среща в Бургас. Тука градим вече няква традиция усещам...хехе така де. . . лошо няма. Тоя път срещата беше отново косплей и отново в караокето. Където. . . най-накрая успях да сложа и моя крак. Аз и по-рано писах. . . тва място беше някакво табу за мен :Х ноу мор ^_^

Аз тъй кат не исках да се мъкна из центъра с костюмираните идиоти (но офенс) отидох направо там и почти всички вече бяха на линия. Мноо хора и с тия костюми ми отне време да разпозная всеки и да им кажа здрасти...дълги 10 минути на търсене на хора и прегрътки (rofl)!

Антон (Lord Hakera) още в момента в които ме видя ме изтапарче с 7 кинта... причините за които още ме преследват в сънищата.. хахаха и след като бях така лошо ограбен реших да се излекувам с простотия. Ма така де аз винаги като се събера с аниме зарибените и изпадам в некво такова странно състояние на което ме избива на простотия. Деба имаше мноо шапки на срещата... трябва да видя на снимките как изглеждах с френската шапчица на Дидо...ноо се филмирах с нея. Моите 2 шапки за пореден път обиколиха главите на половината хора, НО това е друга история ;)

Гал макар да знаех, че ще дойде кат котка въобще не очаквах такъв...кхъм...костюм..не успях да я позная в началото. За секи случай беше страаашна...пуф. . . аз както неам никъв резист кам котки и с неиното облекло напрао изплезих езика ^_^ и после кат са съблече. . . hahah ай стига сам говорил, че ши са изцепя нещо. За секи случай беше страшна писана (love). И после и зех дясната лапичка и се милвах с нея. бахти якото пухче чесно. Зема да са обличам кат Азис, че и аз да имам такива яки маний по мен и да си играя с тях. хахахахахах
О о и по едно време и зех ушите. Сички викат че сам бил голям сладур с тях. и сам приличал на куче (wtf) и обикалях и ги карах да ме чешат зад ушите хахахахах голям филм си набих с тия уши ей. Нямам търпение да видя снимките където сам с тях. Сигорно ши умра от смях.

Горкичката Джейн я обрах малко с цигарите хехе...издебнах и кутията по едно време и се спонсорирах щото нещо ми се допуши. Знам знам аз не пуша...то си е и така де. Ма напоследък ми е некъв готин филм да си изпуша една две цигари ей така за шоуто. Пък и нали беше косплей...аз се правех на пушач (хаха)!

DJ по едно време вкара едно много здраво хаус сетче ама не са сетих да го питам как се казва. са иба и тъпия. На косплея й научих благодарение на Марио за една любима песен която търсех от години (виж предния пост).

Доиде и време да се покажат сички костюмирани обаче Дидо горкия нз ко му имаше ама беше адския (както го кръстих тогава) Анти-Забавен...просто мноо як спек настана говореше некви тъпи раути и се едно гледаш шоуто на Къци (Дидо лек не ми са сърди ако го видиш тва). Ма просто беше..кофти раута. мноо хора седяха и просто нз за ко ста дума и ко да праят. Както и да е мина раутата... така и не разбрах от момчетата кои спечели. Ако някой ме светне ши сам благодарен.

О имаше и караоке изпълнения. Сашо кат се нае да крещи..чесно ви каам напрао са депресирах тва момче....зззз....неам коментар просто. А на барби гърл припаднах от смях. Момичетата кви физиономии правеха не е истина с сестрата седяхме на сепаретата и се гърчехме от смях.

Яд ме е че нямаше време ад ударя един латино танц с онова момиче дет са облече кат циганка (ее деба пак и забравих името) и кючек с Джейн...мноо се бях надъхал за една селска чалга./ НО...винаги има следващ път.

Друго ко да кажа...като чели тва бяха по-важните неща...а да Крис ме нацепи докато носех котешките уши. . . цитирам "приличаш на кучето ми което умря..." ебаси наредбата а (ахаха)!

уууу да Киро чупи една чаша...и най-интересното беше че никой не мръдна да напраи нещо по въпроса. Гледаха и седяха. Дори тия дет бачкаха в караокето. И накрая аз станах след това и киро и отидохме да просим за метла и кофа. И после аз ударих едно бързо I want to break free с метлата и избягах (хихи)!

Запознах се с жената на Киро... ма тои така ревниво я пазеше от всички, че освен прегрътка за здрасти друго не можах да напрая. ма аз неска му се накарах в скайп по тоя въпрос.

и май е това. . . и да има още вече ме мързи да пиша. . .

Edwinn Star- War

A song that i have searched for ...i du no...about 6/7 years maybe. Its a OST from the first Rush Hour with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker ^_^ and they had a very funny scenes using this song. ANd ever since that i wanted to get it but didnt know who was the artist nor the name...but now i finaly found it! Thx to Mario (man eternal respect) !

So here are the lyrics of this great song:


War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all

War, huh, good God
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Ohhh, war, I despise
Because it means destruction
Of innocent lives

War means tears
To thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go to fight
And lose their lives

I said, war, huh
Good God, y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again

War, whoa, Lord
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing
But a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker
Ooooh, war
It's an enemy to all mankind
The point of war blows my mind
War has caused unrest
Within the younger generation
Induction then destruction
Who wants to die
Aaaaah, war-huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it, say it, say it
War, huh
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again y'all
War, huh, good God
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
War, it's got one friend
That's the undertaker
Ooooh, war, has shattered
Many a young mans dreams
Made him disabled, bitter and mean
Life is much to short and precious
To spend fighting wars these days
War can't give life
It can only take it away

Ooooh, war, huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again

War, whoa, Lord
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker
Peace, love and understanding
Tell me, is there no place for them today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

Ooooooh, war, huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
You tell me
Say it, say it, say it, say it

War, huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
Stand up and shout it

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

HTML o.O wtf

Аре малко на български ся...стига само на английски. хехе
както вече някой забелязаха сложил сам бекграунд на блога ми. От колко време си блъскам главата най-накрая изкарах късмет и един уеб дизайнер дето идва на работа ми помогна да го сложа. Красивичко а. Обаче исках се пак да си запазя блога чист и го оставих да е само горе като декорацийка. Мен много си ме радва. Дадоха ми и 32 урока по HTML за да мога да се уча да прая сайтчета. на елементарно ниво разбира се. Но пък и аз не искам нещо специално. Може ако се зарибя да почна по сериозно уроците. Шинджи каза да пробвам разни маний css и некви такива. Ши видим ко ще стане.

Ся сам се взел сериозно в ръце. Почнах да тренирам в нас разтяганки лицеви упори раути тва онова. Ся кат се видя с леф зема малко протеинчета и може да почна и зала. Да кача малко маса, че сам си сухичак. Знам че и преди така дрънках ма вече наистина :)
даже раута маи ще напусна много време гълта пък не моа да хоя на даскало и ми разваля яко филма. Колегите не искат да карат само дневни и най-верочтно до края на месеца се махам. Ши видим де...се пак пари никога не са излишни :( кофти е филма.

Тря си напрая скоро и паспорт че да моа да замина при баща ми лятото. Даже...нз сигорно ще отида да бачкам и да живея в Унгария няколко години ши събера пари за да моа да замина в САЩ или някъде другаде. Гадно е...особено че в Унгария кат не знам езика ши ми е баси гадния филм. Не познавам никой :( нз и комп и нет дали ши имам...мноо гадно ши загубя връзка с познати те ми. Но пък...няма ко да цикля в тая смотана страна -_-

оооо другия голям филм...стана така че утре сам свободен и ще мога да отида на косплея в Караокето о.О..... АЗ в караокето...тва дося ми се виждаше като проклятие щото винаги когато е имало поста за тва място се така ставаше че не мога да отида. Пък ся така се наредиха нещата. хаха шанс както би казала моята скъпа роси :)

Като заговорих за нея видях и първата бална рокля...седеше и божествено ей. Напрао и викам идвам в София с една бухалка да те пазя от ебливите момченца.... А тя дори каза че няма да отиде с тази рокля а с по-яка. Напрао нз... хехе и после на чалга диско хааххаха ши играе гюбеци бесни. Нямам търпение да видя снимки и клипове. Мен поече ме валнува с кого ще отиде...обеща да ми го покаже на мен първо :П ма ши видим. Моеж да ходим на интревю ахахха да видя дали става маняка....кхмъ..дали му става :Д рофл

Оле сънародника анархист от София ми прати Виетнамска музика преди няколко дена и мега мега мега мноо са кефа. Тука даже в залата си ги пускам и ги слушкам. Такъв як релакс са. Дори на клиентите им харесва :)) Ся се мъча да изкопая още музика от родината.

И с колко хора трябва да се видя...с толкова народ загубих контакт..тряя почна да са обаждам за кафенце на тоя оня. Ай стига споделянки за сега...

п.п: Земете научете сички английски, че кат пиша на инглиш повече ми се чете блога ^^

Online games...

Bla i quited Urbandead...someone killed me and i turned into zombie...and that showed me even more how stupid was the game. Althou its very nice writing about it here in the blog the game offers nothing to me that i can enjoy.

In Battle On althou i try to paly it some times its always full :( so i guess i wont be playign this too ^_^.

im reliefed that i stoped playing so many games...kinda nerd isnt it ^_^ now around valentines day coming im focusing more about partying and goin out with friends and especialy with some girls ^_^

GoonZU of course i still play. Althou i havent loged in 3 days :X cant play from work and the stupid patch today ruined everything AGAIN! And my pc is curently at service shop cuz the windows got buged AGAIN :( hope this time everything will be ok. Tomorrow is the GoonZU vote i hope i manage to log in and place my votes for Dark. He said if he win election he gona buy me angel wings and even something as bonus ^_^ so im praying that he wins cuz ill win alot trou this too :P

Iron Man movie

Next year we can expect an Iron-man movie. I saw some articles at marvel`s official web site telling that there some major actors goin to participate. Althou they have oscars and achievements like that they arent at the class like Brad Pit and stuff...more like old school starts.
But nonetheless im lookin forward to see this movie.

Ghostriders is coming really soon i have very high expectations about this movie. Hope its worth it!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Gaming gaming...

I think im becoming a gainig some lvl at my geek part lol
maybe its cuz of this fuckin weather..its been freaky cold outside lately...havent going out a lot. Ive tryed so many games..partly my sleeples condition is cuz of that extensive gaming ive been doing.

Aeg of Empires 2

Pure classic in the RTS genre. At one of my night shifts i played the game. . . cuz i was bored and didnt want to play goonzu. . . and turns out im a complete noob at the game. I remember when i was a kid i used to play AoE alot and i was good at it. But now...maan the PCs wooped my ass even at low difficulties :X so i instaled the game at home (thx to Sayo dude i owe you some beers for that) and start my ass wooped again...for now i stopedp laying but all renew playing as soon as i have time.

Galactic Civilizations 2 Dread Lords

Now that is one Turn Based Strategy game that everyone should try. Ive spent enourmous time on this game since i got it (2 days ago) its amazing. Ill wriet article about this game cuz she deserve it!


After 2 days of changing hoods and killin random zombies i gotenought exp to buy freerunning. Now the game really begins. I can jump tru buildins witheout steping outside so i can switch easily between locations. Now i need to find a good survival place and a good supply building there such as police station or hospital.


Nothing special happened. SO i wont bother you with any info.

Battle On

Ill make a special post about this game too. Maybe later today.

Fuckin weather!

Ае ши го иба и времето честно. Тъкмо сички уговорки за тренировките бяха направени и ДАН...точно в урочените дни времето е шибано вали..супер студено е...си ибали майка му. Напрао ши избеснея.
на сичкото от горе вече няколко дена не сам спал... сега сам на работа и поглъщам тонове кафета за да мога да издъраж до довечера. А с тая жега в залата ми е супер заспало...просто нз...май неска ще е втория ден в които заспивам на работа rofl!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Стига с тия игри!

Някой френдове напоследъка са оплакват, че сам бил пишел в блога си само за компютърните игри дет разцъквам и искат повече разнообразие. Еми разбирам ви хора. . . ама вие ко искате ся. . . да пиша кога сам отишал да се изсера в кенефа и къде с кои сам бил на кафе и кога сам закусвал. . . пф. . . тука идеята е да се пишат интересни раути които да карат хората да идват и да четат. А се съмнявам че постове от сорта на "в 14:00 ходих да пикая в кенефа" ши бъдат кои знае колко интересни ;)

така се е случило че просто напоследъка нема кой знае кво да се пише. Тряя май пак да почна да вкарвам и малко аутсайд инфо да разнообразя. Мога да постна малко ревюта на филмите дет гледах тия дни,... ама ме мързиии.

Оу тая вечер научих че Дарка ми е купил гривната която така силно искам. Безкрайно благодарности дарки. i owe you one ^_^

А да. . . не влизам вече много в скайп. . .а като влизам го правя за да си чатя само с няколко човека. . . напоследъка чат моуда ми е супер нисък.

Времето е мега скапано и с Валъо още не може да почнем тренировки за клипа...напрао ши изпуша от нерви -_-!
Също така с един приятел ще направим една мега яка раута скоро. . . ама тва е изненада за всички!

Ииии друго ко да напиша... КРИС МНОГО ТЕ ОБИЧАМ ^^
пожелавам на секи сестра като нея {}{}{}{}{}{}

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Trouble in the streets!


I moved from my last location and started a journey around the neibhours. It was though. I managed to salvage some stuff from few werehouses and even camped in a library for a while. Maan being alone surely sucks! Now im in a library again...this sector has much more action in it than the previous sectors even been. The mall next to us got heavily attacked by large number of zombies. After one night they decided to attack us too...many of the survivors were draged out. THe more expirianced guys killed many zombies. Since i dont have any ammo for my actualy..i lsot my pistol...i couldnt do anything to help. But i cured about dozen of them and got very nice exp. SO i got the hand combat skill and after that i imidiately jumped on one zombie nad slashed him for good ^_^ there still walkin zombies lurkin around but i think we will handle it!


About lvl 83 now ^_^ man it surely feels good to be one of the big guys! But i earned it...after all i spent so many hours playing and training. Shenburry town was open last night. I got 80 shares with my and some friends chars. and even buyed 20 from some player. . . cost me 3 mils -_-` but i think shares are more valuable from money. Cuz later even if i have 100,000,000 i wont be able to buy any shares. . .trying to get talatat shares showed me that its almost imposible to get anything later in the game. And i already refund 1.5mil from selling some mats. So its ok i guess.
The new summon event rulz. Usu told me what should i i feel stupid for not started using summon when i first got recko neck. I couldve have very powerfull summon by now. Oh well. . .ill have to train it and at least now i get prizes with that :P hehe


My team is progessing amazingly. Got the league title and runnig for more. Fans and board love players love me. . . and i even beated Man Untd for the English Cup in the 1/4 finals ^_^
very hard game and unexpected win...but maan the feeling was great! I never thought i would like a football game but..hehe...people change :P

Honk Kong cinema

Recently i watched some martial arts movies with Donnie Yen and Wu Jing. . . and ive become a big fan of their work. Now im searching for more movies with these guys cuz im really interested in their work. Especialy the works of Donnie Yen. Im thinkin of making few review arcicles in my blog about the movies i watched the past few days since there isnt much going on in my life now. Maybe im gettin a lil break.

This Saturday i hope we can start the training sesions for the shooting of the fighting video clips me and Shinji planed last summer. He has some offer for a camera and i really hope that we can use it it will be such a great help.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lucky looting!


Well it was pretty silent outside the hospital so i decide to go to a nearby werehouse. . . there was another survivor inside i told him to come to the hospital but he refused. . .anyway i started looting the place and. . . well i found many stuff. . . maybe the most valuable thing was the fireaxe, but whitheout any skill in melee combat. . .it wont help. . . for now. . . got some fuel for our generator in the hospital and a crowbrad too! I walked around the neibhour but found only one zombie. I tried so slash it with my axe but i didnt got any chance to hit so i retreated back to the hospital. I was so tired that i fell asleep immediately!


Nothing interesting to share. . . my boss was at work today (3rd time in a roll on my shift) so i couldnt play much. When i got home i played FIFA 07!


Well its my first season and everything is running perfekt. My team doesnt have a single loss. It a real pain in the ass that my club is poor. But that what i like. . . rising a low class team to a something that everybody should be afraid of. I play with Stockport Country...second football league in England. Star and a half at the moment ^_^ I think ill get some titles this season. Im not really into those fifa games...but its a nice for chillin out.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back in Talatat!

Well here it is...another post about my gamer life ^_^


Today i returned with Tamwyn to Talatat. im pretty happy :) being able to be with my old teammates..althou i dont really feel like talkin with most of the townies now. Maybe its still weird for me^ ^ it will pass with the time. I was pretty busy the last 2 days so i couldnt play much...but tomorrow from work ill catch up fast enought :P
Good thing about Sea Palace F1 is that the octopuses give very good stuff that have decent costs.
I have almost 6 mils in my back acc feels good to have some money again :P now if i only can find fav or lux sword it would be awesome.
Ray and Torque still need uber much iron so i keep sponsoring them :) well thats the least i can do after the black gown ray got for me from itemmall :P
Im trying to find a friend of mine who can be future goonzu still trying to gather a team of bulgarians with witch we can get a town for ourselfs and control it...pure BG that sounds good doesnt it :P

Urban Dead

The firestation where i was hidding with other survivors was attacked by pack of zombies. I got wounded many times but the others healed me asap so im fine now. But unfortunately when i walk out for my scouting the firestation got heavily barricaded so i couldnt go inside. I was kinda afraid that i wont find another shelter. . . but i managed to go to the nearby hospital and after a short fight with a zombie i got inside. There few survivors here and we even have a generator...a working one. I made few searches around the building and i found 3 med kits and one issue of the new paper that the survivors make. So for now i think ill stay in the hospital and when the streets are safe ill continue my journey to reach my lost friend Rottenbrain!