Friday, January 19, 2007

About GoonZU and Urbandead

After i left Kucha. . .

i was wondering for a while and then decided to join talatat. Turned out to be a very very nice town. I met very good people there. But the town is lil messed up with his organisation. Changes Town Chiefs like toilet paper ^_^
The current TC i like very much. . . we got close pen friends :P and Ray even bhought me some stuff from itemmall for witch im ethernaly gratefull. And not only her but many other players...very good people in this town. But unfortunately i quit the town after i got into a fight with one townie -_-` then my friend Tamwyn left the town too...and we are curently wandering witch town to join or rejoining talatat...its very hard decision. . .oh yeah im lvl 82 ^_^ since i started work i can play goonzu a lot. Witch boosted my activity and assets :P
althou i have only 5 mil in bank now cuz i got this awesome Cuir helmet with 138 def ^_^ im very happy about it. But im still with crappy weapon. Thats why im trying to help Ray-chan to get her sword pd spam swords..adn hopefulyl to get me a fav or lux sword ^_^ hehe and then ill kick some serious buts.
I managed to recruit another bulgarian to play goonzu. Hope he stays like tamwyn :)

A new text based game that i started to play last night thx to rottenbrain is Urbandead...a post apocaliptic game about zombies and quaranteened town. I started as a soldier :P Damn it was very hard to find a building not baricaded like hell...luckily i found a firestation with some survivors and got in. Stayed there one night and then walked around the streets. I saw a wandering zombie and shot him ^_^ it was my first im back in the firestation and wait for the nightfall so i can go and scout a lil more and hope to get some lonely zombies again ^_^

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