IMDB has a 7.0 rating for the movie. BUT FUCK THAT! That was a fucking 8.5
I was very weary and didnt have my hopes up too much. . . i mean after the "Revenge of the Fallen" who could blame me. But obviously i was gona go watch the bloody movie.
I was talking with my girlfriend last week and she said she wanted to go watch the movie which was even better for me cuz if it sucked i could always go bang her in the bathroom to realease the stress caused by the disappointment. Anyway i was driving on friday and i heard on the radio that Event Cinemas are having a midnight release of the movie and i was like...hey thats perfect. Obviously i decided to flex some mussle for my girl and got us the GoldClass tix :P 75$ but what the hell you watch a movie on a fucking bed...if it is really bad you could always sleep (rofl).
So we go there on Tuesday night and actually there were alot of people in the cinema. One thing i do love about the G.C is the fact that there like 30 people in the whole place. Aint nobody bumping into me or some 2 m. tall guy sitting infront of me to screw my view :D
So anywy the movie starts and...ITS FUCKING AAAAWESOME. I could tell right from the bat. The way the movie started and that massive build up that it produced. And from there on it was just up-hill.
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The Best Transformers movie so far! |
The story was great and it was crafted very well. It connected all the dots and made alot of sense. There nice plot twists in the movie that will make you go "HUUUH?"
I loved how Megatron was shown as weaker and beat down robot due to his last movie`s injuries. I guess it makes sense it would be hard for him to get repaired but . . . how do the other robots got themselfs fixed? Still it was interesting. However i do dislike how all decepticons are shown as mindless red eyed savages. They are quite intelligent in the Animated Series and have their own personalities. But i guess exploring 30 robots in detail would take too much time. And the movie is already two and a half hours!
Btw did i mention we have fucking John Malkovich in the movie? Hell yeah baby and you can bet he delivered some very very awesome scenes! Also we had another cameo appearance from Hangover star Ken Jeong who had 1 "piss your pants" scene with Shia in the bathroom. But i wont go ahead and spoil things for you. But ....dont drink when you see the asian guy show up or you might spit on the person infront of you. :D
I loved the cars :D That new ferrari daaaaamn !!! SPeaking of ferrari there was ALOT..... and i mean ALOT of brand advertising in this movie. I guess that joke that its not a Michael Bay movie because there not enough brand ads in it is true.
I mean we got the bossy CIA women suddenly putting on NIKE high tops wtf that...the shoes were great but really...thats how you promote NIKE? With CIA agents X_X Even NIKE`s rival Adidas had a go when Sam`s family showed up in a green kit. Then there was the Mercedes and phones and all kind of shits. I mean every sponsorship got literraly smacked in your face. I do think they could have done a better job and made the things a bit more fluid. Or im assuming...noone cared on the production crew. Or maybe Michael Bay likes this way of promoting.
But that was pretty much my only beef with the movie.
The ending was solid. I dont think we will see another transformers movie any time soon. I know Shia LaBeouf is not going to make more of these. And honestly he shouldnt as an actor he needs some good story movies to make otherwise his current star might fade. And he is a damn good actor in my opinion too. Of the newcomers i think Shia is much better than Channing Tatum who is getting all sorts of hype. But on the other hand Channy got more diverse roles and the ladies love him. So yeah . . . go Shia show us what you got. But i digress. . . the ending was solid and kinda of making sure for now there wont be another Transformers movie why is that Jimmy you ask? Ill tell you why,...because alot of the main characters died :D Okay not that many...but when main characters start dying. . . . you know there aint gona be a 4thquel coming anytime soon.
Still the movie was GREAT! 8.5/10!
And pls go watch in the cinema those special effects and massive fights arent made for your small ass TV at home X_X
Man how can you not love Valve. Those awesome jerks just released their summer promotion and it is OFF THE HOOK! I meant it. . .. massive slashes on prices. Like -75% of games. And a small competition where you can try to earn yourself some phat loot. I got myself Borderlands and its 4DLC for just 8$ and who knows how many games ill be tricked into buying. Damn you Gabe Newell!! X_X
Magic The Gathering
Finally i managed to beat all the archenemy missions. Damn Nicol Bolas the last boss was really fucking tough to beat. And his deck was fucking retarded. I honestly kept dying just because of the scheme cards. His deck in itself had no power at all. Also a trick for everybody out there who is struggling with handling the bosses. Use your favorite deck and put the AI team to go with the ELF deck. The massive amount of creatures they dish out will eat alot of the enemy`s removal. So you have more chances to use your kill combo creatures. Some games even i used the Elf deck. I mean imagine 3 elf decks and then dropping couple of Heedles One`s . . . now that is some big big fat creature right there and they have trample so the AI is forced to start blocking with more than 1 creature. All in all i think it was the 1st archenemy and the final boss that gave me any real trouble. The other decks just dont work that well with the schemes i guess.
The Ancient Depths deck is great i see the winning combos but it is too messed up to be competitive. Too easy to screw the plan with just couple of removals or counterspells. And even with all that massive mana gain it is still a very slow deck. I hope the next expansion brings more cards for it. Because right now that deck is like the lamest.
So thats about it for now. Oh and btw Darky i know you will see this:
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