Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blizzard is listening! Another Upgrade!

New art for two druid forms, cat and bear, are coming in the next major content patch. As this has been a much-anticipated update for druids, we’d like to give you a first look at the fresh designs. We’ll be offering up the new art for night elf and tauren druid forms in four installments. To kick things off today, let’s start with a preview of the new textures available for tauren bear form. Take a glimpse at the new feature and art.

Just click the link and enjoy :O

I couldnt believe the headlines of the latest news at wow-europe.....this is omg....ive been whining about the boring druid forms for as long as i can remember. And im sure there were tons of other ppl doign the same thing. Its a small cosmetic change but it will have a huge impact on the community! Im glad that Blizz finaly made this upgrade. Now we will see tons of different druids in instances/raids/battlegrounds. And it just feels so good. Its the small things that sometimes make the biggest impact :)
thumbs up blizz
rly rly good job!

p.p: I may rly make a druid alt now -_-`
p.p.2: But ill need to get a PC first -_-` -_-`
p.p.3: Uh i think i pissed off my roommate today cuz i told him i aint washing his dishes haha. I cant take his whims anymore . . . .n i dont know fo sure but i may not be able to go home now n if that happens he is for a long speech tonight. God i hope i can get away from him next month :( i cant stand him. Or more like he cant stand me n is acting like a prick which makes me hate him -_-` I rly try to be nice and make this weird no talk thing to work. But the guy just doesnt give a fuck. N why the hell is he not learning in AU n not even trying wtf!?!
Is it just me or that is completely stupid?! :O
p.p.4: Kisses for my sis Chris. She`s been very supportive n i think atm she`s the only person who cares to some degree about me. I cant believe my best friend doesnt even write a single sms -_- I know im in another continent but sheesh....seems not many ppl miss me -_-`
Dont worry....when i become rich n famous i wont miss you too guys xD

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Red Carpet SCREW UP!

God sometimes i rly hate myself for being in "Cba" mode. There now about 10 times when i needed my camera to take cool pics but it wasnt with me cuz i couldnt be arsed to take it with me. Yesterday i went out cuz i was pretty bored at home n went to see :"Night at the museum 2" which was btw a very good movie. I got plenty of good laughs but it still felt like 60% of the jokes n cool moments were shown in the trailers. Hollywood keeps making huge spoiler trailers which i think is so lame that u should kill all trailer makers with a carrot n chocolate box while banging their heads with a dwarf!!!!

Anyway it took me by a huge surprise that the "red carpet" event for the premiere of the movie Land of The Lost with Will Farrel was hold at the very same cinema that i visit all the time. They were building the carpet when i went and when the movie finished it was lookin rly awesome it was about 3:30 pm the event wasnt about to start for few hours but i didnt have my camera. N i coukdve asked the construction workers to take a pic of me on the carpet with all the cool stuff on the podium n shit -_-`
Im so pissed offfff at myself. I cant believe i didnt take my camera. I think ill keep it with me all the time now -_-` just in case somethign like that happens n i dont miss it!

Also when i was on my way home i went to McDonalds and got meh a double cheesburger menu and whhile i was eating my burger i was attacked by 20+ seagulls :O it was hillarious these fucks werent scare of humans at all. Im not sure they even registered me as a human at all. They were all concentrated on the sandwich -_-` kinda spooky. N one jumped on my head from my back so i got pretty freaked out n there were so many of em -_-`
So i speed ate my sandwich n got the fuck off. Then i finished my other food in the train station where it was alot safer -_-`
So basicly now i officialy hate seagulls -_-` DEATH TO EM ALL! xD

Also me n my roommate are moving out. the first place we looked was CRAP! but 2nd house was pretty ok. N i suspect the viet girl that lives there was 1 of the reasons Si liked it so much. I dun know what they were talkin bout but it kinda looked that he was hitting on her xD
Weird . . . . . anyway the new place is . . . i du no 4 suburbs away from Marrickville . . . which means extra time to get ma ass to the city. I didnt find where the centre was dont know where the station is too. So ill have to do some exploring -_-`
about 3 weeks left untill i start`s gona be a boring time fo sure -_-`

but at least the rent is gona be 2x lower xD

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Whoooa whoooa whats going on man? :O
Death Note is making some shit crazy twists in its plot. Light`s plan to lose n re-gain his memory totaly blew me away...and then....L and Watari got killed WTF! That....i wasnt expecting this even as a finaly of the manga. Insane o.O totaly insane.

Now we got 2 guys who are succesors to L. One evil n one good n weird like him o.O

Its just mind blowing. I cant wait to see whats gona happen in the next 5 volumes.

Ive also started reading "Fairy Tail" a very cool manga about wizards n guilds.

Very cool characters story so far is solid. Cant help but see some similar stuff compared to other mangas but there just so many of em. Anyway i rly enjoy this manga cuz it kinda reminds me of wow. N some things are rly like a PC game n thats rly fun for me. I actualy saw the magna`s 6th vol in Kinokuniya when i went to buy Death Note vol 6-7 then i thought maybe ill give it a shot in one manga and....well it wasnt a mistake :> But since the manga is only recently published i kinda wont wait for all the vols to catch up n read it online. Besides after Death Note ima start gathering Bleach althou im considering Berserk too. Or even collecting all of Naruto`s current vols.

Im rly pissed at my roommate but i got to suck it up atm. But first chance i get (by chance i mean some cash) im out of his place. He doesnt like me? thats fine....acting like a jerk...its a bye bye barbie! -_-`

Monday, May 18, 2009

World of ComicCraft!

So i was checkin out the community news on wow-europe and i saw tons of cool wow based comics.
Also i deleted some un-used link from my "other sites" section. And added up a link to the PaperCraft which is a cool blog about making paper figures from the wow universe. Its rly cool there some amazing stuff and i think lots of ppl will find it interesting. At least for now im interested in it so the link will stay up xD

To see more visit Ding! on Crispy Gamer.
Click on Ding! if u havent figured it out already -_-`
p.p: Im considering buying a ticket for the online streaming of BlizzCon 2009 so i can get the cool murloc marine pet xD

Friday, May 15, 2009

Driver Level - L!


Sooooooo i passed meh knowledge test and now i got meh L permit xD The first level of the long road of drivign has been completed xD
Oshe mi e stranen film cqloto tva patuvane nasam natam beshe izmoritlno i leko iznervqshto. Ni sa pribirai dokato ne zemesh licenz tva hi4 ne mi pomagashe i bqh super nerven dali shi mina testa :O (osven tva bqh pil dosta kafe). Otidoh s samolet. Imah gadno mqsto...pak po sredata -_-
No ve4e znam 4e trqa pitam za mqsto do prozoreca i da rezerviram bilet po-rano :O Dobre 4e patuvaneto beshe kratko. Vsyshtnost patuvaneto do Melbourne me nakara da osyznaq kolko ogromna e avstraliq. Pribrah se s avtobus...koeto ni otne okolo 12 4asa i neshto (shtoto imahme nqkolko zabavaniq). Ot Sofiq do Budapeshta patuvash s bus tolkova vreme :O tva e pyt prez strana i polovina :O A na kartata Melbourne e dosta blizi4ko do Sydney xD
Ima tolkova mnogo za explore . . . .ve4e sam si nabelqzal nqkolko turisti4eski shemi za sled vreme. (za sq dyrja po-izkyso kintite shtoto dosta extra razhodi se poqviha).
Beshe dosta studeno i vetrovito. Dobre 4e si bqh slojil i potnik pod bluzata ama pak si beshe ko4an dokato obikalqh nasam natam. Ironi4no v kontrast s vremeto suburba kydeto dyrjah izpita se nari4ashe "Sunshine" xD a taka i ne vidqh gram slynce dokato bqh v Melbourne.
Kato pristignah planuvah da vzema taxi no pyrvo hodih do kenefa i slu4aino vidqh edno ofis4e nare4eno "Travellers Aid". Tva e kylna se edno ot nai-genialnite izobreteniq koito edno pravitelstvo moje da napravi. Izumen sam ot koli4estvoto informaciq koito tezi hora imat. Dori da se dylji na godini praktika da znaesh poimenno ulici spirki. . . naprao o.O
Myja me pita kyde to4no otivam i kvo mi trqbva. Az kazah 4e pyrvo shi mi trqbva banka toi pita kva banka az kazah Commonwealth i manqka mi printira karta na raiona i mi na4erta pytq do bankata...i mean WTF. razbiram da beshe kazal kyde e centyra na kvartala i 4e tam shi ima banka...ama to4no da kaje kyde e o.O
Polu4ih super to4na i podrobna informaciq koeto mi pomogna da se opraq s pytq i da namerq ofisa na Vic Roads. Koito beshe v gyza na geografiqta v mqsto kydeto avtobus i taxi sa dumi na drevno shumerski i sruvat pove4e ot kazan pylen s zlato!!! V kraina smetka reshenieto da si zapisha slu4aen nomer na taxi firma se okaza mydro i se spasih xD
Dosta vreme visqh v edno kafe i posle v 4akalnqta na Vic. Bqh nameril mqstoto mnogo mnogo po-byrzo ot kolkoto o4akvah. I typiq ofis se okaza na takova izolirano mqsto 4e nqmashe kdye da obikalqm tam. V kraina smetka dojivqh do 2 4asa i vleznah v malkata zakrita staq. Kydeto o4akvah dosta proverki i gluposti on se razminah. Ne 4e si nqmah zaplanuvani versii i otgovori na eventualni neudobni vyprosi, no se pak se radavm 4e ne mi se naloji da si probvam kysmeta.
Golqm maitap stana kogato v tehnite knigi se okaza 4e za shofiorska knijka imaha snimki na stari versii na nashite li4ni karti. I ne mi vqrvaha 4e tva sa nashte ID cards. I nakraq sled 2 minuti reading jenata izpsuva ot nedovolstvo 4e sam im dali greshno info koeto me s4upi ot smqh xD
Ta sednah ka specialniq komp i 32 vyprosa later i 2 min 4akane 4uh "Dian . . . congratulations!" xD s usmivka kato na student nameril 10 kinta sednah da si iz4akam dokumentite i otidoh do gishe nomer 1 kydeto me snimaha i sled tova ei taq jenica mi dade L licenza kakto vijdate na snimkata dolu :P

Ta beshe kysni4ko sledobed kogato stignah do centyra na Melbourne. Mra4no i vetrovito daje malko pryskashe otvreme na vreme. Tva izcqlo mi ubi jenalnieto da razglejdam grada i da hodq kydeto i da bilo. A i kakto ve4e kazah ne sam mnoo entusiaziran da snimam sgradi a i to imashe tolkoz mnogo neshta 4e da napraq 300 snimki i da gi ka4a mi se stori samo zanimavka koqto moga da propusna. Ot snimkata dolu qsno vijdate 4e nebeto e dark as a maafaka. I snimkite nqmashe da sa mnoo hubavi taka ili ina4e.

Snimkata ot samoleta e hubava oba4e. Kato q ugolemite v lqvata 4ast se vijda centyra...i si4ko ostanalo sa the inner suburbs koeto e samo malka 4ast ot celiq grad :O Tyi e kat si4ki jiveqt v kyshti ploshta na gradovete e qko razshirena.

Tuka nqkolko slu4aini snimki koito napravih dokato vyrvq kolkoto da ne sku4aq. nalojimi se da se razhodq malko iz grada dokato tyrsq ofis da si kupq samoleten bilet za vryshtane no tyi kato ne mojah da namerq edin i tyi kato ve4e me bolqha krakata se vyrnah na garata i si kupih avtobusen bilet. Otidoh v edna priqtna 4akalnq izvadih PSPto i si slushah muzika dokato 4akah da stane 8 4asa. I....i was blessed. Mislq 4e tova beshe pyrviq mi pyt kogato vidqh poliaci da arestuvat nqkoi. Edin narkoman beshe sednal na edna masi4ka v Hungry Jack`s kogato kukite go nablijiha i zapo4naha koarv razpit i pretyrsvane koeto prodylji pone 1 4as. Nakraq nameriha nekvi sprincovki i go zaklu4iha. Snimah no typata svetkavica ne se izklu4vashe i blesteshe mnogo i zaradi neq myrdah aparata da go kriq i snimkiet se osraha. Imam edna ostanala ama tq e super smotana shtoto nishto ne si li4i :S za tva reshih da ne q uploadvam. writing in Bulgarian o.O feels kinda weird too. . . and with no kirilic its..pure pain in da ass. So sry bout this post but my mom is reading my blog aswell n she wanted some stuff in bg so. . .i honored her wish.
So enjoy the pics and if u havent browse down n check the other posts cuz i got plenty of new stuff in my blog now! :)
N dont be shy to post comments :( I like comments!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The mini holiday!


So pff tomorrow im going to Melbourne to get my learner license :O Thats the first step in obtaining my driver license and well....everything is abit crazy xD Go there do the test come back. My manager said "dont come back untill you get the license" . . . . . now wtf is that all about :O
But im glad ill be able to go around the countryside. Im going with airplane but im considering coming back with a bus to see parts of the AU that obviously i havent seen yet.
I think ill be sending the PSP to predator cuz i cant get new games n stuff here since their spec number is 4 :O
Not that i didnt expect it. But still kinda bleh. 5 original games + the movie from Shinji :O its a sweet deal if he manages to sell it. And should be with those extras :O

Im watching the latest eps of OP right now. Pfuu the anime is already at my favorite part the Shabongy Archipelago :O The Supernovas look awesome.

The manga is going pretty insane too....this whole flash-back with Baroqueworks was pretty crazy idea. I cant believe Luffy is fighting alongside Crocodile now :O obviously Jinbei joined him i suppose that was all but boudn to happen.
Ivankoff is a char that is so weird and abnormal that i cant accept him. He just doesnt fit in the drawing style of the manga and the other WEIRD!
But still we are seeing flash battles no details nothing major. Even the Battle between Luffy and Magellan felt like a filler cut short in order to get faster to the main event. Whitebeard vs Government and the Schichibukai.

A funny trivia about Australia is...noone ever asks u for ur family name. All personal info ppl need here is Name and Surname which i find very strange. :O And its kinda funny too.
Ppl are very polite at the shops and banks and well...everywhere i have been so far. Sydney is a place full of tourists so there is a whole etiquete going on and that makes the whole place very funny. I always feel un-comfortable around very polite ppl. Everybody is asking u how are u. even at the freakin newspapers boot :O THE FUCK!?!
very helpfull and patient aswell.
After i come back from Melbourne ima start lf work rly hard. Got to go to that Jay concert even if its the last thing i do xD
N also ima try something to get some extra cash aswell but ima keep that a secret for now xD
Well thats it for me...oh ye almost forgot. I got a new tagline for my blog xD Its actualy a BG joke just translated in english i du no why but it cranks me up so much XD

p.p: Back to OP :P

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Worlds Biggest 3D screen! :P


Me at Darling Harbour. . . which is considered a great hang out place. It has an Aquarium and a Wildlife show (whatever that is) but cba to go there...yet. So this is me at the bridge. . .its a pretty long bridge full with red flags...kinda cool tbh. I have a pic but i wont upload it here. When i got time ill make full galeries in facebook.

Vijte i te si imat pazar4eta xD ama tehnite sa better xD Na kraq na pazara skivah space art kydeto edin manqk narisuva kartina (mnogo gotina kartina) s spreiove i si4ki hora bqha naprao :O
Dosta poznato nali...centyra v sydney prili4a ot kydeto i da go poglednesh na New York ili seki po-golqm amerikanski grad xD. Gledaiet malko filmi i goredolu znaete kvo da o4akvate. Imam oshet snimki no naistina ne e mnogo valnuvashto da vyrvish da snimash...sgradi -_-`

Tadaaa the worlds biggest 3D screen xD. . . thats the yellow thing in the left corner xD to zoom in xD yet another of my wishes will come true soon. Ive always wanted to see a movie in 3d n see what that shit is all about! So now we just got to wait for Transformers to come.

Sidni e dosta stranen grad...osven 4e sa go postroili na ogromna plosht e i dosta neraven. malki dolini i hylmove bykat iz ploshta na grada da ne spomenavam malkite poluostrovi koito styr4at nasam natam. Dosta e izmoritelno kato ti se nalaga da izka4vash pesha hylm4eta v prodyljenie na 5 4asa xD. But thats the price of exploration i guess :P
Vremeto e super donkey style tu e toplo tu vali....shantava rauta.
Praseshkata kihavica mai otmina shtoto ve4e ne se komentira mnogo tuk. V na4aloto beshe pylna ludnica. Imashe sluhove 4e shi trqa se pazaruva hrana za 2 sedmici i si4ki da si sedqt po kyshtite...koeto e pylna gavra :O Imah dosta kysmet i 4e doidoh kogato doidoh...shtoto sq zaradi prasetata na internacionalnite letishta ima toplinni skeneri i iskat vinagi da znaqt novodoshlite kyde sa za da mogat da gi pregledat ako nqkoi drug ot pasajerite na tehniq samolet se okaje pozitiven s fly. Luda rauta :O
snoshti mai qdoh kalpavi banani..... shtoto sled seki banan me boleshe korema -_-`
Duh that`s it from me....oh and...
FFS KAKUZU where the hell are you! I dont wanna lose my shares dude!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Climb of your life! or so they say...

Woohoo i climbed a bridge -_-`
They make it sound so cool that u actualy start believing them when u get down :O

I got the Adutl Twillight climb so my group was the lucky one that we saw Sydney during both day and night. And we saw at the same time the dawn of the sun and the rise of the moon (we got a full moon aswell :P ). So it was pretty cool. The group leader was an old climber....very funny guy we laughed alot during the climb. . . . they didnt permit cameras since they sell pics made from their employees so thats the only thing i got to show ^^ Althou i got 1 group picture of the summit printed for free and i bought 2 pics of me ...what a cool scam. These guys make tons of cash every year :D

Oh and they gave me a certificate to prove i climbed the bridge too...with a pic my name and date...its pretty neat tbh xD

So this is obviously during the day part of the climb. Nice view of the opera n check out the gear :D i got a cable stickin out of my back for the radio xD. We got tons of equipment i felt like a special agent on a secret mission :D we even used lil mining lights at night...which i bit cuz i didnt wanna screw my hair -_-`

The 2nd pic i bought on paper cuz i thought i look rly cool on it xD

The 3rd one altho made with a funny face is rly got cold at night but i didnt use my flies or whatever the word for the extra clothing was.

My group was rly nice althou i saw 2 more that went before me which had alot of chicks with them :O so i had to spent time talkin with bunch of oldies... But i guess talkin wasnt the point of the climb :D

Sry for the small size of the pics but i had to "steal" em from the company site since it turned out they want money for em :D but at least i got to show u what it was like xD

I got some other pics of the town but i didnt bring my camera with me so thats it for now xD

There is something else i would like to share tho :D... JAY CHOU WILL HAVE A CONCERT IN SYDNEY IN JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was walking around killing time untill i had to go to the cinema to watch Star Trek (which is a very good movie btw) and there it was...a poster on the door of a small chinese food place. I was like....WWWTFFFFFFFFFFF it took my awhile to figure out all the info cuz it was both in english and chinese and spread out n i was too exited to even think straight. But GOD>....JAY! Dream after dream . . . . . i never imagined i would get a chance to go. I dont have a ticket yet. . . . but im tempted to buy one soon...even tho i dont have a job yet xD Its Jay ffs...

It would be a real shame to miss the concert.

I found out where the beach is too. But its raining today -_-

Ill wait for the weather to get better n im off to DA beach xD but ill probably wont make any pics cuz im not planing to bring anything important with me. I dun wanna get robed :O
Also my roommate suddenyl got the idea that im a washing machine cuz now he doesnt wash almost anything n leaves everything to me. Now its not a big deal rly...not that i have much stuff to do. But its kinda rude. . . .

N who the hell cleans the floor with a mop while walking around the house with his shoes :O :O

Since my decision to stop making major explorations untill i get a job ive been pretty bored at home. . .tbh i would do almost anything now just to fill my time with something.

But the recesion is hitting hard the Australians so i du no. And even tho i spoke with my "boss" about booking a learner license test he hasnt called me for the past days. And i would like to go to Melbourne n clear that once and for all.

Also im starting to freak out about wow....i wanna buy a PC n return to farming like a bot -_-

At least they have awesome stuff on the TV.

I got the first 5 vols of Death note and i got to say that this mange is a wicked thriller :O
So many ppl reccomended it to me or have spoken about it but i was like...yea whatever...but now i got the chance to read it on paper so...i thought ill give it a shot...and its WICKED, PURE AWESOMENESS. Its jsut talking but the story is so interesting it keeps u on ur toes all the fuckin time. And its a complete manga..only 12 vols. Ill proly finish it soon. But im holding on my money cuz of the Jay concert ^^
Im thinking of starting Bleach ...or maybe collecting the naruto manga which is on VOL:44 atm !!!

Well....thats it from me im alive...for now.
Im healty....for now.....
And i luv ya all...for now xD

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Some teasers from Sydney!

Some pics from my first days in Sydney....its way too much stuff to upload...and if i make a new post the pics will roll down n down. So ima post only few pics here. And as soon as i remember my facebook password ill upload everything there :D

So this is where i live now. Its actualy a 2 floor house with a nice fucked up backyard (since noone is watching it!) We got a basketbolen ko6 i malko fitnes jaji :D Ne 4e gi polzvam ama...ima options :D
Az pred operata. . . its not that big tbh :D

Me and my roommate Si (koito mi e nekyv dale4en rodnina bez kryvna vryzka haha).
Thats a ironical pic for me now. Since first i thought its rly funny sign. And few days ago a UK tourist was courted cuz he climbed 15 meters on the walls of the opera :D ....those cops aint playing! :O
He doesnt have anyidea what the sign says...but he keeps watching :D yes my roommate doesnt speak english xD
And the Coala :P a dragon...he is a dragon...lets chill in the sun togheter :D
no commnet...
I saw a rly rly nice chick when this was taken! :D
But he didnt !
The proud lion.
The dirty elephant.
Skyscrapper :D
Izglejda se edno gledat neshto mnogo mnogo interesno...ama syshtnost nishto nqmashe xD
Taaadaaa ....THE MONKEYS...oh oops..u already saw them ... duh
it suits him... xD
One day ima go climb that bridge...the day i learn how not to crap my pants when im 500 meters high xD
Theres bunch of these....he has some sick thing going on with the Rhinos :O

So thats it....the first teasers...hope i can show u alot more soon. N hopefully on facebook...cuz this is paaain! :O