Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fujii Takashi- Oh My Juliet!

Oh gosh im posting this for 10245830 time!

I love the video its so freakin funny :D and the song is amazing too. But Takashi is dancing so gay and funny im laughing the shit out of my ass! he looks so diao too :P

Hope you enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

I hate you! I like the song damn it..........

Anonymous said...

azmael, not posting, not playing :P

Anonymous said...

ajde be marzelivec, goonzu i gildiqta umreha bez tebe :P

Anonymous said...

Hi babe!! it's me your wife...I hope you're doing ok...I watched the video and it's really cool but the guy looks so gay...he dances so so funny hahaha lol I posted for a while on my space...BTW it's

Kisses for you...miss you on and on skype!!! bye