God ive been wanting to write about this for 2 days but i was so busy with work so i couldnt. but it just wont leave my mind....pff...how can it leave my mind. THATS IMPOSSIBLE!
Last Saturday. . . . my spirit left my body went to heaven...and got kicked out....
NO...they didnt send me to Hell...they told me. . . . lucky ppl dont go to Heaven or Hell....since u guys ignore the laws of logic and universe yuo guys get sent to a special place...where all lucky ppl do what they wanna do. The whole place is made up from our dreams and deepest desires...and now that i got a glimpse of whats it like....i am never gona let go xD
AND AM NEVER NEVER NEVAAAH! Coming back to my cheap ass country.
Remember how i used to say after something great happened to me taht i could die happy?
I mustve been out of my fuckin mind when i said those things. If right now i die ill be PISSED OFF! Cuz now i know whats in store for me in this life...and its GOOD!. ITS PRETTY>! ITS SEXY! ITS AWESOME! And who would miss all those words in a combination? :O
See its great when dreams do come true. Its rly amazing feeling. But it is when non-dreams come true that we realise how great life is. That we realise how blessed we are....or.... how blessed i am! :D
After saturday night. . . . . i refuse to believe that there are no divine forces in the sky that are pissing gold on my head. I cant believe that its possible taht someone like me...can be where he is now....from my ancestry....both as roots and material....not to mention ill educated althou incredibly wise. . . its one of those stories.....ive seen them on the movies but. . . . never thought i can be one of those stories. I always considered myself a lucky guy. But now i realise that im blessed.....maybe my long refusal of gods and religion pissed off some dudes upstairs and they thought..."Hey lets give this guy so much luck in his life that he wont be able to deny us anymore".
And ye well.. . . . . i am becoming more and more religious by the day,....by the hour at certain points.
God im going in dreamy mode just trying to write what happened saturday night! . . . .
So ive been working alot the past couple of days. Rly no time for anything. i didnt mind rly...since i was getting kinda bored. Sooo uncly tony one day says to me "ok when we get time we are going Disco dancing ok?" N im like...ye sure....i wasnt exactly thrilled to go. . . . i mean me and bunch of older guys . . . n my uncle Ben with em aswell . . . only dude on my level was my cousin but it still wasnt like....a dream night out in my mind. So saturday comes. . . i take a shower spent 1 hour infront of the mirror thinking what should i wear. Then spent 30 mins doing my hair xD Oh n the results was....mmmm ^_^
So we are going to Uncle Tony`s house n Uncle Ben is saying to me that we are goign in a karaoke bar o.O At that point im like....NOOOOES! What am i gona do there....i wanna go to a club n dance n try hit on a girl n stuff like that...
And he says...No No...we all go and there is 1 girl for you 1 girl for me ....n u can dance all night dont worry. So i say "OK" n then everybody laughs...see at that point i was reliefed but i didnt know exactly what to expect o.O
Fuck how can i expect anything anyway....i was in a total mist.
So we are fetching a cab and goign to the north sydney area. . . .We stop at one of the main streets...i see restaurants shops...its rly flashy and stuff...n we go infront of a wall...that`s what it was...a freakin wall....the type of wall you can walk by and never notice...it had a sigh for beign a karaoke bar but...it was so out-shined by everythign else taht u can barely notice it. N then there was the camera....then my mind start flippin.
So they call someone and 1 chinese guy comes to open the door. We are led upstairs to a...erm...a small bar with lots of dors shall i say. Excactly like in the movie the place was full of small rooms with karaoke systems where u can do ...whatever it is u wanna do.
Then came first 2 girls :O
Then it all hitted me. Like a missle it hit me and blew me to so many parts it took my mind a long time to re-asemble my brain n force my body to move again. I was nerveous! to say the least....i was realising in what place i was being dragged in. . .but i had no idea what to do.
I went to Uncle Ben n said..."So erm....what can we do to the girls?" And he said "everything...touching rly hard and stuff...just dont make em angry" That kinda struck me for the rest of the night.
Im not gona say the stuff u can buy in a place like that xD but lets say...it saves alot of trouble in looking for certain....goods shall we say :P
So im pretty nervous and...well thought ill ease it a bit with some music...the remote for the karaoke was in freakin chinese...so it toko a while to learn...and when i got the hang of it turned out that the thing broke down -_-`
Anyway...im seeing my cousin`s girl (btw my cousin has horrible taste in girls: to say that his girl was an avarage would be a compliment) tinkering with the remote n i see leehom`s face poppin on the screen. And im shouting STOP!.
"Put Leehom music on. She was like...OO you like Leehom and im like.."ye i love him he is rly good" Then she goes "ooh i love him too" Then we are singing to some of his songs and suddenly we are talkin bout my cellphone cuz he had the same in 1 of his old MVs.
So now we are getting bit drunk and...other things xD more ppl comin but turned out that one of the other rooms had 25 ppl inside it so there werent many girls left. Unce Tony wasnt happy about it cuz that ment we wouldnt get girls for us...and he said to the "manager" (ok ok...what should i call him anyway o.O) at least call some extra girls so we can have something for the boys. N so for a bit it was kinda slow . . . and not rly a cool party...and THEN!
BANG!...BANG>....KABOOM!...the pornstar chinese girls come in o.O
My jaw dropped...but tbh it wasnt enough so i picked it up and dropped it again. And i believe something else in my pants went up too. . . .and it stayed like that untill 6 am xD
There was this one bimbo....let me put it like this...when she was mooving it felt like there were a pair of boobies flying around the room.N she was a real freak. N the hottest of all the girls we had. So naturaly i wanted her...but 1 chinese guy already was tackling her. Tony came to me n asked me if i have fun....i was xD but didnt rly had a girl assigned to me yet. As u remember there werent enough at that time. N then i said how hot the flying boobs girl was. N he said" You want her?" N i was like "yee but ur friend already picked her up" but he said
"Dont worry" and then he went to talk with her. . . see by that time i already showed my ...famous dance moves :P but i felt kinda lame to be alone witheout a girl...and i was still....getting used to the whole thing. So the girl takls with Tony looks at me....gets a crazy ...and a bit scary smile on her face...and what happened for the other 1 hour was...nothing short of ....how should i say it...in the time she was with me....she managed to do the closest thing of a rape...witheout actualy raping me. N she was so drunk and stoned with drugs...she was bouncing her hips and ass...and her whole body at me and my private area so fast...that it felt like a vibration...liek a vibration inside the epicenter of an earthquake put on fast-forward! Ask my balls..they got the worst of it. Ive never seen someone outdo my ass shaking...she not only catched me...she surpassed me and let me in shock...and considerable amount of pain! I was being smacked with silicon breasts...btw whoever said that silicon breasts arent good....feel too fake and bla bla bla....was talkin out of his fuckin mind...or probably out of his ass...while having a diaria...in the desert....with no toilet paper around and the shit solifying on his ass-hole!
Silicon breasts not only feel great...THEY LOOK GREAT! They are capable of hypnotising you......why u think they got invinted in the first place m? Even girls with nice boobs get implants cuz its fuckin great! i rly wish i can somehow write down the whole evening but...so many things happened...but ill try do at least give out part of the feeling. Thou im short on words...and considering my rich dictionary . . . . . well . . . .you could imagine how cool it was!
So my nasty crazy for sex and stuff up her ass girl left the room. The whole place was a bit short so all guys in the building were kinda sharing all chicks . . . . kinda un-lucky taht one.
What struck me was . . . btw i was being pretty nice with the girls...like..talkin with em and stuff....never did anything nasty to em...it was more like the other way around xD
So quiet few times some of the younger girls ran to me after the old guys were trying to hug em (n possible more than that). o.O I was rly a very preferable choice n it rly felt good. N being from Europe is a huge afrodisiac in Australia.....anyone who hears im from Europe goes " OMG RLY"
"WTF THATS AWESOME" "THATS NUTS" I dont know whats up with Aussies and Europe but....apperantly its the best place in the world. I got asked millions of questions about it :O
N the fact taht i was a chinese fan was a bonus. . . .some of the girls were rpetty convinced i could speak chinese but was prettending i dont xD (cuz i was singing on some of the chinese songs i knew .. .. i mean u hear a song 2000 times its kinda natural ull memorise it generaly) xD
Then the cops showed up...well i didnt saw em...but at some point i was on a ball in the couch with 1 girl and my uncle taps me on the showder n says "cops",.
I got no idea why we had to leave....althou i had alot of suggestions flying around my mind. Like GR*** ... and CAN**....and....booze :D anyway...
So we are leaving and im getting pretty sad...it was like 00:30 the night was young ....so were the girls xD
N i was rly in the mood now....still bit shy with the girls...but i was doing ok xD
So i was told we are gonig back...but we didnt..inmstead we went to another place....
on the way i realised how expensive everything was ....and now we go to 2nd place...it made me feel rly bad that my uncle is spending a fortune on me in a single night.
Illp ut it this way....in my modest calculations what we (and by that i mean the others) payed for night was....20K$ + and the plus is for the things i just dont know the price of xD
So u get the picture...its a rly expensive place....uncle said he was going many times to places like that before...but now that he is merried he wasnt...but now he wanted to show me around so to speak xD But i was still kinda down....about him spending dozens of cash for me like that...not that i didnt appreciated it. But he said dont worry..."if u keep wokring for me ull have everything and lots of fun".
Something in the word "everything" . . . . made me go WHOOOOOOOOOOHO inside my head xD I mean...its a powerfull word you know.
So we go to the city to the second place....it was better....everything looked alot better. We had a huge room to outselves even got a pool table which was swarmed by the older guys....althou since i was the only young guy. . . .u could say it was attacked by everybody exept me xD
So then comes the big shot lady boss....and brings the girls........it was like.....the closest things that i can think of is..the scene in Rush HOur 2 where Jackie and Chris were pickin up their girls....it was like that...one big line...with big boobs xD and lots of....no-clothing xD
It took me 10 seconds to spot the hottest girl which my uncle snatched first xD Got to hand it to him....guy`s got a taste...unlike my cousin xD
So then im lookin around and i see this cute girl in a white dress i go to her n ask her "u chinese" i dont know why asked that btw...i guess i wanted her to say somethign....im pretty sure i had sometign in mind but i cant remember anymore why i asked ...anyway she said no...i turned my back n then i heard her boss say" She is Japanese cmon take her ...teach her mailto:T_@&%5ET^(@&.
No rly thats what i heard...i have no idea what the thing i was supposed to teach her was....BUT! By the look on her face...i was pretty sure it was someting nasty xD
So now we aaaaaaaaaalll had girls! The night was shapin quiet nicely. FUCK IT WAS AWESOME!
Her name was Aya...or maybe Aiya...not sure how u should spell it :O
WHen she was speakin in japanese my body felt lighter and i got a huge smile on ma face.
She was so adorable...as i told her..KAWAIIIIIII! xD I couldnt bring myself to be naughty with her...she was...soo cute and nice...we were talking first...again there was the" OOOO I LUV EUROPE' after my introduction...no srsly WTF is up with EU :O
I was telling her how much i like japan and jap girls...then we talked shortly about manga....now.......the mere fact that a girl like her....i mean....i would never expect it....but i was let to know that all asian girls know about manga xD And when she did the Gomu Gomu no Pistol of Luffy i was rolling on the couch laughing xD She looked so goofy xD
She asked me if i was otaku too xD i almost spilled my drink on the floor. . . . . i was like "na in not...i luv manga but i havent read that many and besides...u think an otaku would come to a place like that" I mean that was even a good argument even for me....how in the world will a geek find himself in a place like that!
So if i could call the girls in the first place...mm whores....no actualy i couldnt call em that...cuz u dont haev sex with them...althou inm pretty sure that could be arranged xD
SOooo...erm ...companions . . . but Aya ......she was a rly modern Geisha! I was in heaven....no i went to Heaven and passed it...went to the lucky universe.
We were talking alot in the begining of the night. talked about relationships...at which point she went " God you rly know everything. ... . ." Funny that one...how can i be soo good at the theory of relationships but cant get a serious girlfriend.
What ill prolly remember forever is when she said... "Im the luckies girl tonight..cuz im with a real gentleman and a very handsome boy"
she didnt say nice...polite...she said a gentleman xD And well i was rly treating her....i told her that we gona switch places and ima spoil her instead of her spoiling me. N later she said she was never threated that good. I was feeding her fruits and stuff....well she fed me some too but somehow i felt so happy about making her happy ^_^.
And she had that smile.....ah the smile....I couldnt let her go...it was rly hard...i was dancign couple of times but what i rly rly wanted to do...it was like some animal instinct...was to go back to her n hug hug hug....
I suppose its automatic in me...when i hug a girl to do my thing with the fingers....and she rather enjoyed it. Later on i moved on the kissing..She didnt mind the first one..she didnt mind all the others that fallowed...i was not denied a single thing the whole night. And i was paying close attention to all the others...there girls were backin off and stuff. . . Aya gave herself to me :O I was ....so happy...and horny xD
her skin was....iev touched alot of girls with nice skin . . . . i suppose it was the japanese thing...but she felt like . . . . a snow.. . . cake...i du no ...i am poor on words to express how she felt on touch. It was divine. . . even after dancing...you`d thing she would sweat or something...she tasted good...n smelled amazing. First jap girl i met . . . . i told her ill proly never forget her cuz ive always wanted to meet a girl...and not only a i met a jap girl ....and talked with her...but i did all those other things with my tongue ^_^
Ah n the cute giggle she gave me after i tickled her neck with my tongue....I saw her couple of times liking her lips in joy while i was kissing her. It was so hot! That night i.....realised that i should embark on a quest to get a japanese wife. before it was a joke...and kind of a dream but....i rly think jap girls are awesome. No wonder so many ppl say they are the best ^_^
Alot of times she told me that i was handsome....ive heard that thing many times since i came to australia....so many times that sometimes i look in the mirror n...im not sure what i see....i never was short on self esteem...but....i never thought im....that ...ok.
maybe cute....sweet cuty boy...ye i could walk with that image in my head. But handsome. Feels weird....Ah and when i leaned on her stomach when Aya was doing my hair and all those lil things.....that SAturday night i was i na realm of my own...and in that world of mine i had a japanese girlfriend and all the problems of the world went...i dont know...down the crapper i suppose.
There werent many places i did not kiss on her body. And she had ....oh the body....and the ass.......yyyyyh im drolling again ^_^
And she had that incredibly cute way of dancing...felt like a bouncing rabbit xD rly cute ^_^
And when she was rubbing her ass on my ....private area felt so classy....how can u do stuff like that and make em look cute and classy o.O
Its something with the face im sure.
At some point we were dancing and i twisted the muscle on my right leg...i havent been out in a long time so i totaly forgot about that....too much and too fast dancing was never good on me ^^
So im sitting on a chair trying not to scream from the pain then im bouncin slowly to the pool table. When Aya saw i was havign trouble she came to me so fast n with a such worried face... o.O
I felt so embarrased that she was seeign me in such a lame position. She tried her best to help...gave a massage on the leg...it was so gentle...but funny thing is...i need kicks and punches to fix it. It got better eventualy. Althou i had 2 more lil twists. But that look on her she didnt leave me for a sec . . . . i know she was payed to keep me company and stuff but i payed alot of attention to everything the other girls were doing and the guys...and whats what....cuz i didnt know how exactly everything works out. So i knew to some level she mustve rly enjoyed my company and none of the other girls let the guys to kiss them ^^ So that made me feel pretty good :P
the whole night was so amazing......i can write a whole book about it....earlier in the evening my uncle went to her and heard him say "make him happy ok" . . . and i felt a huge love and respect for him...i mean....u got to be gratefull to anyone who takes u to a place like that. . . but i rly rly felt amazing. And realised how lucky i am to be here...to be doign what im donig. To be going crazy and nasty and....intimate with girls liek that.
Ive seen that in movies...ive never dreamed about doign something like that.......and its awesome. And now i know there are more nights like this ahead of me....im just startign to experiance life......im afraid what luck has in store for me xD
That was so insane. . . . . . .i cursed m`self alot taht i didnt bring the camera with me...but i thought we are simply goign to a normal night club and...what good would a pic be in a night club...not to mention how dark it is in a night club. But at the rooms where we were u can turn on the light n stuff....i rly wish the guys who read this can see the girls that were there :O
U could prolly jerk off while staying on my homepage xD But worry not next time when we go out on a place like this ill surely make pics ^^ I mean i need to rub it rly rly rly hard in the faces of everybody who knows me xD I just...me ego cannot let me not show off with soemthing like that. I need to share ^^ and show off xD and brag about it ^^ but fuck it anyone would do it if he was in my position.
Oh i dont know.....i guess my fire about writign this post kinda became smaller...i mean i had to wait 2 days before i can get my hands on a pc and write this down.....i still cant believe what i experianced.....its too awesome for words.....
For 2/3 hours i was rly considering askign Aya out....but i realised its pretty weird thing to do....n the odds of her saying yes were...slim at best right?
But in the morning when all the girls start going out cuz our time finished....she was the last to leave the room. . . .she said"i got to go now..."
gave me that cute smile again asked me if i was happy and i said very...then she hugged me and kissed me...she kissed me. It was a rly quick and sweet kiss on the lips...not even tongues...but....it felt like the best kiss in the world for me o.O
Then she said i had great time i hope to see you again....
i said "maybe and made silly face cuz i rly had no idea if that would happen. . . .
but i hoppe to see you again....that simple sentence o.o.....
its haunting me for days now,.....i rly wonder . . . . . would she have agreed to go out with me someday . . . .i know her being a geisha she is trained to be polite and not piss off her clients and stuff.. . . . im pretty sure they lie alot . . . . but considering how nice i was...how gentle and how she didnt mind anything i did to her. She enjoyed it rly...i mean,....i dont know....i guess its cuz the whole thing was so un-real that im imagining things...but i suppose if my luck lets me meet her again ill find out if she liked me enough :>
Besides how many ppl can say they have a friend geisha or...even a girlfriend xD that would be rly someting xD
But what ever happens with me next...whatever surprises are awaiting me . . . . i had the most magical night of my life* and im pretty sure i know the name of my daughter (if i get one) . . .
AYA..............or AIYA ^_^`
*Considering how my life is goign atm....im pretty sure ill have more most magical nights in my life in the upcoming months and posts in this blog xD But thats the beuty of life isnt it :P
Whoever is blessing me rest assured im thanking you every single day ^_^ Ill do it untill i die!
p.p":Im not sure how long ill keep this post....there plenty of ppl im not sure need to read this...including my mom xD
p.p2: When i got home in the morning ...sobriety hit me like a sledghammer...a sledgehammer thrown from another universe and accelerating the whole way down to earth. I bent down and walked like a butler to the shower cuz my balls were hurting so much from all the ass that was banging them the whole night! My head was spinning around so much and my legs were shakin....but i had a smile....the smile of the happies 20 year old guy in the world ! ^_^
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Novite mi Drujki!
Trying to give a finger but gave the wrong one xD
Thursday, July 02, 2009
No more luck!

:( :( :( :(
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The Hangover!

I rly cant remember another movie that made me laugh so much. IT WAS HILLARIOUS!
EVEN THE END CREDITS made me laugh. I think that in a way the movie was very real. . . .the characters were believable. . . . i think we all have friends like that. . . and in the right situation we all can have a crazy hangover like this one. The tiger thing with Tyson was spot on. I think we all enjoyed the champ joining the cast.
Rly i cant remember any other comedy movie that made me laugh so much. TV shows ye...but a movie....no. That`s just genius. Kept the pace and kept surprising us all the time. Awesome.
I cant wait to see the sequel.
And a special spoiler pic for Chris :P
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