Thursday, February 05, 2009

Travel Problems

Today the weather was awesome so i decided after the looong and boring day to go out,. Toan came with me n we went to the West Etnd mall. . . which has become prolly one of my favorite places in Budapest.

Ive been there many times now but....i still havent seen the whole place. I got to go there with a pack of girls i guess :D

Anyway we went there to look for some specific stuff...

Now the third picture represents an amazing bag from the PC game STALKER. which i just couldnt resist taking a pic of. I never saw that kind of things in Bulgaria.
Now the first one.....i rly like ^_^fashion style Zungi hehe.
Well more importantly those 2 pics were shot in an empty train...i du no the word in english. Anyway the moron toan told me to go into the train n we were locked :O we sat there for 10 mins n i finaly grew impassiont so i tried to bust out from the window n fortunately some Bus driver saw me n yelled some hungarian shits in my account. Well i didnt understood what he said but....i couldve guessed. then out driver came n opened the doors shouting more shit which again....i didnt undersand :O
I was so pissed off after that i decided it will be better if we walk home -_-` the end we did take another ride....but damn....i rly wanted to bust the window xD
Oh...n i got the awesome DVD of Hellboy: The Golden Army for dad a gift he didnt like...n was scolding me for spending the money -_-
Reminds me of some other ungratefull friends i have.... ^_^
Well thats it from me ^^
Im alive im kicking....n im BORED haha

What i noted this time...eveybody i saw was dressed differently....i mean....jeez the stuff this city never ceeses to amaze me. I spoted a awesome Nike shirt which i intend to buy next week.


Anonymous said...

Don't spend too much money on pretty stuff babe haha you'll be broke by the end of the year lol

City train? I guess you meant, subway right??

Love that ass!! you look really cute!!

Love, Pao

Стоян Атанасов said...

Имам такова с качулка ама с тъмнолилаво вместо с бяло...