Днеска научих стряскащата новина че Светлия ще спира да играе Бг Лига...а пък точно тои ма зариби по тая игра. Кажете не е ли мрАсник...пък отбора му е с такива успехи че направо ми се реве.
За всеки случай аз предното първенство се представих много добре и спечелиш 2 седмици безплатен абонамент. Което ми дава доста голям бууст. за нещастие не направих тренировки и въобще нищо не бях пипал по отбора за първия мач и зех че го загубих. Но все още имам шансове да зема първенството тая седмица.
Не успях и да се ударжа и зех че пратих един смс за да си купя некви футболисти. Зех един 17 годишен талант с 605 умение -_- баси само с 20тина точки по-слаб от сегашната ми звезда която пък е на 25г. Тва момче дъълго време ще ми краси отбора. надявам се да се представи подобаващо.
Бтв: почнаха да ме учат на Японски :))) безкрайно сам щастлив. Ще ви държа в течение как се развиват уроците :)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Хъм отново към дневническата част на блога...хем имам кво да напиша хем ме мързи..богове превърнал сам се в ужасен мързел...напрао...ме е срам ^-^
Доста хора ми мрънкаха да престана с тия филърчета дето сам поствал напоследък обаче мене нещо тва не ме трогна докато не забелязах последната седмица интересен наплив на посещения на блога ми...и тъй като каунтера в профила се пълни по неизвестен за мен начин (и бавен също) след като видях 50тина отчетени посещения искрено се изненадах...всеки ден ъпдейт с няколко бройки...дали не се е объркал ;)
веднъж накарах 100 човека да ми посетят блога и след седмица резултата беше 2 посещения...наистина много странно...както и да е...
Първото което искам да кажа...не не искам да се похваля..имам нов телефон. За човек които винаги е бил против скъпите джаджи тъй като обхващат много неща ама по-малко сам напрао ъхм...на 777мото небе ^-^
не сам очаквал че толкова мноо ще се изкефя на ГСМ...винаги сам се радвал на красивите и скъпи телефони на другите...ма никога не ме е влечало да си пръскам парите за един личен...е да ама когато някои друг си пръсне кинтите нещата седят мнооого по различно :))
Тъй като ъплоуда нещо се прецаква ще пусна линк с снимка
Не е ли прекрасен...черен...с некви наподобаващи китайски рисунки орнаменти...с капаче..нещо което знаете че винаги ме е счупвало от кеф...ае напрао супер. Ся само остава да го напълня с разни маниашки пикс и готина музика и всичко ще е ток.
тъй ае стига сам говорил за телефона че ши зема да прозвуча кат някой хора ^-^
В момента сам се зарибил супер много на тема ЛАРП...вай няма такова животно...тва е супер ама супер голяма зарибявка. Вчера ходих на първия си ЛАРП...беше жестоко. Счуихме се от бой имаше някои доста сериозни травми за щастие временни. Ся са чудя от де да си набарам материали да си направя брони и прочее...но най-важното е тряя ми собствен меч...въобще тва ларп си е бахти манията. Много филмиращо преживяване.
Особено кат ме плениха и ма вързаха в гората за едно дърво и ма оставиха сам -_- добре че успях да се отвържа и да избягам...хм чудно кво ли щеше да се случи ако не се бях развързал и ме бяха зарязали там за 30/40 минути :)))))
май тогава немаше да ми е чак толкова яко...ама нали сам нинджа аз са спасих :)
За всеки случай е така си вършееш с приятели из гора е мноо готино...аз по едно време се отцепих и тръгнах да разузнавам околностите...кат свършихме и са прибрах бях труп. Неска сам с мускулна треска и напрао строшен...баси чуствам се по уморен от вчера! И на всичкото отгоре майка ми поръчала 2 тона дърва които тряяше да мъкна...което напрао ма довърши. Неска само от изтощение не моа да изляза на вънка. аз ши умра..са спъна някъде и няма да стана повече.
Друго друго...кво да кажа май ши повтарям 10ти клас отново :( ама всъщност за тва не ми са говори тъи че ще ме разберете ако закрия топика.
ае до следващия път бих искал да пиша повече ама от болка в пръстите ( да и там ме удряха) не мога да издържа поече.
Доста хора ми мрънкаха да престана с тия филърчета дето сам поствал напоследък обаче мене нещо тва не ме трогна докато не забелязах последната седмица интересен наплив на посещения на блога ми...и тъй като каунтера в профила се пълни по неизвестен за мен начин (и бавен също) след като видях 50тина отчетени посещения искрено се изненадах...всеки ден ъпдейт с няколко бройки...дали не се е объркал ;)
веднъж накарах 100 човека да ми посетят блога и след седмица резултата беше 2 посещения...наистина много странно...както и да е...
Първото което искам да кажа...не не искам да се похваля..имам нов телефон. За човек които винаги е бил против скъпите джаджи тъй като обхващат много неща ама по-малко сам напрао ъхм...на 777мото небе ^-^
не сам очаквал че толкова мноо ще се изкефя на ГСМ...винаги сам се радвал на красивите и скъпи телефони на другите...ма никога не ме е влечало да си пръскам парите за един личен...е да ама когато някои друг си пръсне кинтите нещата седят мнооого по различно :))
Тъй като ъплоуда нещо се прецаква ще пусна линк с снимка
Не е ли прекрасен...черен...с некви наподобаващи китайски рисунки орнаменти...с капаче..нещо което знаете че винаги ме е счупвало от кеф...ае напрао супер. Ся само остава да го напълня с разни маниашки пикс и готина музика и всичко ще е ток.
тъй ае стига сам говорил за телефона че ши зема да прозвуча кат някой хора ^-^
В момента сам се зарибил супер много на тема ЛАРП...вай няма такова животно...тва е супер ама супер голяма зарибявка. Вчера ходих на първия си ЛАРП...беше жестоко. Счуихме се от бой имаше някои доста сериозни травми за щастие временни. Ся са чудя от де да си набарам материали да си направя брони и прочее...но най-важното е тряя ми собствен меч...въобще тва ларп си е бахти манията. Много филмиращо преживяване.
Особено кат ме плениха и ма вързаха в гората за едно дърво и ма оставиха сам -_- добре че успях да се отвържа и да избягам...хм чудно кво ли щеше да се случи ако не се бях развързал и ме бяха зарязали там за 30/40 минути :)))))
май тогава немаше да ми е чак толкова яко...ама нали сам нинджа аз са спасих :)
За всеки случай е така си вършееш с приятели из гора е мноо готино...аз по едно време се отцепих и тръгнах да разузнавам околностите...кат свършихме и са прибрах бях труп. Неска сам с мускулна треска и напрао строшен...баси чуствам се по уморен от вчера! И на всичкото отгоре майка ми поръчала 2 тона дърва които тряяше да мъкна...което напрао ма довърши. Неска само от изтощение не моа да изляза на вънка. аз ши умра..са спъна някъде и няма да стана повече.
Друго друго...кво да кажа май ши повтарям 10ти клас отново :( ама всъщност за тва не ми са говори тъи че ще ме разберете ако закрия топика.
ае до следващия път бих искал да пиша повече ама от болка в пръстите ( да и там ме удряха) не мога да издържа поече.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Ahhh... it's got that new movie smell.
Преди малко изгледах този НЕВЕРОЯТЕН ФИЛМ...добре де анимация...няма значение. Това е просто....нз все още се гърча от кеф и въпреки че искам по някакъв начин да ви обесня какво изпитвам едва ли ще мога. Просто трябва да го гледате.
анимацията изпалзва един от най-старите и клиширани сюжети за които може да се сетите. Арогантен шампион които на които му предстои титла и среща екви мижатурки които го превръщат в човек (в случая в кола). За всеки случай всичкото това клише е представено по най-най-най добрия възможен начин. Дори го задминава....перфектна история. Всичко е перфектно...да не говоря за нечовешката анимация която за пореден път ни предлага Pixar. гонят Близард и то стабилно...кво стабилно кат състезателни коли ги гонят. А и от трейлърчето на следващата им анимация те вече са на следващото ниво.
Освен счупващата анимация филма е ужасно забавен. Актйорската игра е....страхотна просто всеки глас си пасва страшно добре в ролята. Самия дизайн на колите е невероятен. Много се забавлявах с италианците и всичките тези рекламки на Ферари :) въпреки че е Американска продукция "Коли" през цялото време поддържаше тезата че ферари са дъ бест. Особено с репликите:
"Ee better even than Ferrari eh? (тишина)
напрао се спуках да се хиля ^-^ да не говоря за финала където има една страхотна изненада за всички :)))
Филма ни изпълва с много мъдрости представени по особено добър и красив начин. И може би кулминацията доиде от неочаквания обрат в края когато....ах аре няма да ви давам споилери. САмо ще кажа че аз успях да оценя и разбера този момент въпреки че не сам Американец. И не се съмнявам че за всички НАСКАР фенове (най-вече Американците) ще се разбият на филма още повече отколкото успях аз. А аз наистина се влюбих в този шедйовър.
Ето тука линк към IMDB да прочетете тривията към филма която безспорно е доста интересна особено ако сте любопитни за някой неща.
Аз имам съмнения че Арнолд Шварценегер има кратко озвучение в филма ама за момента в нета не сам намерил нищо...
Преди малко изгледах този НЕВЕРОЯТЕН ФИЛМ...добре де анимация...няма значение. Това е просто....нз все още се гърча от кеф и въпреки че искам по някакъв начин да ви обесня какво изпитвам едва ли ще мога. Просто трябва да го гледате.
анимацията изпалзва един от най-старите и клиширани сюжети за които може да се сетите. Арогантен шампион които на които му предстои титла и среща екви мижатурки които го превръщат в човек (в случая в кола). За всеки случай всичкото това клише е представено по най-най-най добрия възможен начин. Дори го задминава....перфектна история. Всичко е перфектно...да не говоря за нечовешката анимация която за пореден път ни предлага Pixar. гонят Близард и то стабилно...кво стабилно кат състезателни коли ги гонят. А и от трейлърчето на следващата им анимация те вече са на следващото ниво.
Освен счупващата анимация филма е ужасно забавен. Актйорската игра е....страхотна просто всеки глас си пасва страшно добре в ролята. Самия дизайн на колите е невероятен. Много се забавлявах с италианците и всичките тези рекламки на Ферари :) въпреки че е Американска продукция "Коли" през цялото време поддържаше тезата че ферари са дъ бест. Особено с репликите:
"Ee better even than Ferrari eh? (тишина)
напрао се спуках да се хиля ^-^ да не говоря за финала където има една страхотна изненада за всички :)))
Филма ни изпълва с много мъдрости представени по особено добър и красив начин. И може би кулминацията доиде от неочаквания обрат в края когато....ах аре няма да ви давам споилери. САмо ще кажа че аз успях да оценя и разбера този момент въпреки че не сам Американец. И не се съмнявам че за всички НАСКАР фенове (най-вече Американците) ще се разбият на филма още повече отколкото успях аз. А аз наистина се влюбих в този шедйовър.
Ето тука линк към IMDB да прочетете тривията към филма която безспорно е доста интересна особено ако сте любопитни за някой неща.
Аз имам съмнения че Арнолд Шварценегер има кратко озвучение в филма ама за момента в нета не сам намерил нищо...
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Trolls Physical Features
Physical Features
Trolls average seven feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight, save for two tribes, the Drakkari and the Zandalari, who tend to be somewhat larger than their kindred. As with other races, there are also scattered trolls who far exceed the normal size range. For further discussion of these outliers, consult the below section on these so-called "monstrous" trolls.
All trolls possess astonishing physical resilience: they can heal grievous physical injuries and regenerate lost limbs. This accelerated rate of healing makes trolls formidable adversaries on the field of battle.
Specific Issues
Most trolls seem to practice cannibalism. Several specific troll tribes have been confirmed as cannibalistic, including the Mossflayer and Vilebranch tribes. Furthermore, all the currently known tribes of ice trolls practice cannibalism. Sand trolls, forest trolls, and jungle trolls are also frequently cannibalistic, though not always. Even the mysterious dark trolls are believed to be cannibals for the most part. Yet there are several notable exceptions. For example, the Zandalar and Revantusk tribes do not consume troll flesh. The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
Not all trolls practice voodoo, but it is certainly at least as widespread as cannibalism. Little is known about the emergence of voodoo among the trolls, for most tribes that possess such knowledge are unwilling to share it with outsiders. However, with the recent advent of Zandalari trolls to Yojamba Isle, several notable researchers have come to speculate that voodoo may have originated with the Zandalari.
Dire trolls
A small number of trolls are strikingly larger and more heavily muscled than the rest of their brethren. There is no racial distinction between them and the rest of the troll race. A variety of reasons might be behind this unusual size and musculature. For example, dire trolls might have been altered alchemically or magically. They might also simply have been born larger than average. Regardless of the day-to-day prejudices that these trolls must contend with from other races, dire trolls are not regarded as monstrous by other trolls.
Trolls average seven feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight, save for two tribes, the Drakkari and the Zandalari, who tend to be somewhat larger than their kindred. As with other races, there are also scattered trolls who far exceed the normal size range. For further discussion of these outliers, consult the below section on these so-called "monstrous" trolls.
All trolls possess astonishing physical resilience: they can heal grievous physical injuries and regenerate lost limbs. This accelerated rate of healing makes trolls formidable adversaries on the field of battle.
Specific Issues
Most trolls seem to practice cannibalism. Several specific troll tribes have been confirmed as cannibalistic, including the Mossflayer and Vilebranch tribes. Furthermore, all the currently known tribes of ice trolls practice cannibalism. Sand trolls, forest trolls, and jungle trolls are also frequently cannibalistic, though not always. Even the mysterious dark trolls are believed to be cannibals for the most part. Yet there are several notable exceptions. For example, the Zandalar and Revantusk tribes do not consume troll flesh. The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
Not all trolls practice voodoo, but it is certainly at least as widespread as cannibalism. Little is known about the emergence of voodoo among the trolls, for most tribes that possess such knowledge are unwilling to share it with outsiders. However, with the recent advent of Zandalari trolls to Yojamba Isle, several notable researchers have come to speculate that voodoo may have originated with the Zandalari.
Dire trolls
A small number of trolls are strikingly larger and more heavily muscled than the rest of their brethren. There is no racial distinction between them and the rest of the troll race. A variety of reasons might be behind this unusual size and musculature. For example, dire trolls might have been altered alchemically or magically. They might also simply have been born larger than average. Regardless of the day-to-day prejudices that these trolls must contend with from other races, dire trolls are not regarded as monstrous by other trolls.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ants on Stilts Help Show Bugs Have "Pedometers"
How do ants return home in a straight line, even after improvising random, twisty routes to find food? To find out, scientists attached tiny stilts to some insects and half-amputated others.
Hunting for food, ants roam haphazardly. But when they find it, they use celestial cues, perhaps from the sun, to head back to their nests more or less in a straight line—rather than retracing the tortuous journeys they'd made on their outbound searches.
So how does an ant know when to stop running?
It must not be based on seeing the nest entrance, because a returning ant rarely runs straight down into its hole. Instead, when they think they're in the right area, they stop running, make a U-turn, and pace back and forth until they find it.
Instead, a new study suggests that ants have internal "pedometers," or step counters, that help them gauge how far they have traveled.
Stilts and Stumps
After watching ants in Africa's Sahara, Harald Wolf, of the University of Ulm in Germany, decided to put the pedometer idea to the test in the laboratory.
Food was placed about 33 feet (10 meters) from an ant nest. When ants found the food the researchers collected the insects before they had time to carry it back to the nest.
Twenty-five of the ants were then put gently on their backs. Scientists glued stilts made of pig bristles to the insects' legs—a delicate procedure that had to be done quickly so the ants wouldn't forget what they were doing and fail to return home.
"You have to be very careful," Wolf's colleague Matthias Wittlinger, said by email.
Another 25 ants had their legs surgically shortened by chopping off part of the bottom segment. This procedure, Wolf said, is not as cruel as it sounds, because ants do not experience pain, "at least not in a sense even remotely comparable to what we mean by that term."
In fact, ants often lose leg segments with age, Wittlinger says.
"The desert floor is very hot indeed, up to 70 degrees Celsius [158 degrees Fahrenheit]," he said, "and the tissue thus dies off due to heat stress, desiccates, and just breaks off. You can often see old ants in the desert walking on their last legs, literally."
In fact, the scientists say, it was watching such aged ants that gave them the idea for the experiment.
The study, to be published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science, found that changing the ants' leg lengths did indeed scramble their internal pedometers.
For the ants on stilts, each step now covered more distance than they were used to. They overshot the nest, running an average of more than 50 percent farther than they should have.
Those with shortened legs undershot by nearly as much.
Interestingly, the ants quickly adjusted to their new leg lengths.
After the initial experiment, the ants were promptly returned to their nest.
The next day the modified ants were allowed to engage in normal foraging, and they returned to the nest as well as the "normal" ants.
Cool Finding
Robert Johnson, an ecologist who studies ants at Arizona State University, considers the finding "cool."
"It's like riding your bike and [having someone] change the size of the wheels without telling you," he said.
If you then tried to rely on your odometer, you, like the ants, wouldn't wind up where you expected.
How exactly the ants calculate the distance they've traveled remains a mystery, though Wolf's team doubts that the insects have the brainpower to literally count steps.
More likely, the scientists say, they're somehow doing it intuitively.
Hunting for food, ants roam haphazardly. But when they find it, they use celestial cues, perhaps from the sun, to head back to their nests more or less in a straight line—rather than retracing the tortuous journeys they'd made on their outbound searches.
So how does an ant know when to stop running?
It must not be based on seeing the nest entrance, because a returning ant rarely runs straight down into its hole. Instead, when they think they're in the right area, they stop running, make a U-turn, and pace back and forth until they find it.
Instead, a new study suggests that ants have internal "pedometers," or step counters, that help them gauge how far they have traveled.
Stilts and Stumps
After watching ants in Africa's Sahara, Harald Wolf, of the University of Ulm in Germany, decided to put the pedometer idea to the test in the laboratory.
Food was placed about 33 feet (10 meters) from an ant nest. When ants found the food the researchers collected the insects before they had time to carry it back to the nest.
Twenty-five of the ants were then put gently on their backs. Scientists glued stilts made of pig bristles to the insects' legs—a delicate procedure that had to be done quickly so the ants wouldn't forget what they were doing and fail to return home.
"You have to be very careful," Wolf's colleague Matthias Wittlinger, said by email.
Another 25 ants had their legs surgically shortened by chopping off part of the bottom segment. This procedure, Wolf said, is not as cruel as it sounds, because ants do not experience pain, "at least not in a sense even remotely comparable to what we mean by that term."
In fact, ants often lose leg segments with age, Wittlinger says.
"The desert floor is very hot indeed, up to 70 degrees Celsius [158 degrees Fahrenheit]," he said, "and the tissue thus dies off due to heat stress, desiccates, and just breaks off. You can often see old ants in the desert walking on their last legs, literally."
In fact, the scientists say, it was watching such aged ants that gave them the idea for the experiment.
The study, to be published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Science, found that changing the ants' leg lengths did indeed scramble their internal pedometers.
For the ants on stilts, each step now covered more distance than they were used to. They overshot the nest, running an average of more than 50 percent farther than they should have.
Those with shortened legs undershot by nearly as much.
Interestingly, the ants quickly adjusted to their new leg lengths.
After the initial experiment, the ants were promptly returned to their nest.
The next day the modified ants were allowed to engage in normal foraging, and they returned to the nest as well as the "normal" ants.
Cool Finding
Robert Johnson, an ecologist who studies ants at Arizona State University, considers the finding "cool."
"It's like riding your bike and [having someone] change the size of the wheels without telling you," he said.
If you then tried to rely on your odometer, you, like the ants, wouldn't wind up where you expected.
How exactly the ants calculate the distance they've traveled remains a mystery, though Wolf's team doubts that the insects have the brainpower to literally count steps.
More likely, the scientists say, they're somehow doing it intuitively.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
The Trolls History: Chapter Two
The Trolls and the Horde
Below you can read the story of how the trolls came to join the Horde and of their history within it. Beginning with the Second War, continuing through the enslavement of the orcs and the renaissance of the Horde under Thrall, and up to the death of Sen'jin and the settling in Durotar, the trolls have played a vital role in the history of the Horde.
Forest Trolls and the First Horde
Early in the Second War, the isolationist elves took little interest in the war's progress and provided only token support to the Alliance of Lordaeron. Then Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer offered the forest trolls a place in the Horde. If the trolls accepted, Doomhammer promised that the Horde would vanquish the high elves and assist the forest trolls in reestablishing the Amani empire.
The forest trolls' leader, Zul'jin, declined the tempting offer at first. As a famous hero of the Amani tribe, he had accomplished an amazing feat by uniting all forest trolls under his rule. Still, the forest trolls were primarily interested in fighting the high elves, and Zul'jin was skeptical about the Horde's plans. A short while later, human soldiers captured a war party led by Zul'jin. When the Horde rescued the trolls, Zul'jin changed his mind and agreed to an alliance with the Horde. A few tribes of forest trolls joined their new allies on the battlefield. Shortly thereafter, the Horde burned down the borderlands of Quel’Thalas and slaughtered many high elf civilians. Furious at this wanton destruction of life, the elves subsequently committed all their resources to the war.
By the time the Horde was driven back, however, the orcs and their allies had already achieved their true goal: to steal and desecrate many of the Runestones that powered the elves’ defensive shield. The warlock Gul’dan then used the pilfered stones to power his devious Altars of Storms.
Nevertheless, the Alliance ultimately won the Second War, and after a number of additional battles, most of the vanquished orcs on Azeroth were rounded up and placed in internment camps. In the war's disastrous aftermath, many forest trolls were furious at the Horde's failure to carry out its promise and deserted their former orc allies without a moment's hesitation. Today only one tribe of forest trolls--the Revantusk tribe--is loosely affiliated with the Horde, much as the Wildhammer clan of dwarves is associated with, and yet not a member of, the Alliance.
Although the Second War ended some years ago, the Dragonmaw and Blackrock orc clans and their allies--among them two tribes of forest trolls--have not given up trying to defeat humanity. Referred to as the Dark Horde by outsiders, this group is led by the orc Rend Blackhand, who has named himself warchief. A force of approximately five thousand strong, the Dark Horde regards itself as the true Horde, and believes that Thrall and his followers are foolish weaklings. Rend's forces reside in Blackrock Spire, and they have allied themselves with the black dragonflight.
Rebuilding the Horde
Before the Third War broke out, the courageous orc Thrall escaped his enslavement and began assembling a new Horde. This Horde would make no pacts with demons, nor would Thrall and his orcs seek further conflict with humans. Instead, at the urging of a prophet, Thrall led the revitalized Horde over the sea to Kalimdor.
The voyage grew perilous when a violent storm appeared and inflicted heavy damage on the orc fleet. Fearing that the ships would not reach Kalimdor intact, Thrall ordered the Horde to seek shelter in the cove of a nearby island. The elderly leader of the Darkspear trolls, Sen'jin, greeted the orc newcomers and warned them that a group of humans had established an outpost on the island.
Unfortunately the humans were not the only threat on the island. A group of murlocs captured Sen'jin, Thrall, and several other orcs and trolls. Thrall fought his way out of his prison cell and freed a number of other captives, but by the time he reached Sen'jin's cell, the wise old troll was missing. The murlocs had taken him away in order to sacrifice him to a mysterious sea witch.
Despite Thrall's best efforts, a murloc sorcerer succeeded in carrying out the sacrifice. Mortally wounded, Sen'jin revealed that he had seen a vision in which Thrall would lead the Darkspears from the island.
The sea witch was furious at the slaughter of her minions and the defilement of her sanctuary. She summoned powerful waves to batter the island. Regardless, Thrall and his forces managed to defeat further murloc attackers, repair the damaged fleet, and retrieve a number of troll survivors.
In Sen’jin's honor, Thrall offered the Darkspears a place in the Horde and sanctuary in the kingdom he planned to establish in Kalimdor. Vol’jin, the son of Sen’jin, took control of the Darkspear tribe and accepted Thrall's offer. After the orcs departed, a large group of Darkspears also sailed for Kalimdor. Vol'jin and the rest of the tribe weathered the sea witch's anger, gathered all the supplies they could take with them, and joined their brethren roughly a year later in the new orc nation, Durotar. They made a home for themselves on the Echo Isles, just off the southeastern coast.
Further Turmoil for the Darkspear Tribe
The Darkspears were not to know peace for long. After the Third War, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore led a large fleet of battleships against Thrall's forces on Durotar. Proudmoore could not be convinced that this new Horde was any different from the corrupted Horde of the First War. Under heavy attack, the trolls were forced to evacuate to the mainland of Durotar, but the Horde managed to defeat the misguided admiral.
Much relieved, the Darkspear trolls began returning to the Echo Isles, only to be betrayed by one of their own. A witch doctor named Zalazane used dark magic to rob several other trolls of their free will, forcing them to obey him. As his influence spread, his army grew while the number of free Darkspears dwindled. Fearing that all of his people would fall to Zalazane's insidious sorcery, Vol'jin ordered the tribe to abandon the Echo Isles.
Thus, the free Darkspear trolls left the islands and created the fishing village of Sen’jin on the Durotar coast, just northwest of the Echo Isles. Some Darkspears have remained in the village, and others have ventured farther afield. Vol'jin himself dwells in Orgrimmar, the capital city of Durotar. Orcs make up the majority of the city's inhabitants, but there is a strong troll presence in the Valley of Spirits.
Today the Darkspears and their allies frequently strike at Zalazane's holdings on the Echo Isles, determined to win back the trolls' first home on Kalimdor. In the meantime, Zalazane has not given up in his efforts to enslave his entire tribe, and so he continues to send his trolls to the mainland in order to drag further Darkspears under his sway.
Thats it guys i hope you like it :)
Below you can read the story of how the trolls came to join the Horde and of their history within it. Beginning with the Second War, continuing through the enslavement of the orcs and the renaissance of the Horde under Thrall, and up to the death of Sen'jin and the settling in Durotar, the trolls have played a vital role in the history of the Horde.
Forest Trolls and the First Horde
Early in the Second War, the isolationist elves took little interest in the war's progress and provided only token support to the Alliance of Lordaeron. Then Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer offered the forest trolls a place in the Horde. If the trolls accepted, Doomhammer promised that the Horde would vanquish the high elves and assist the forest trolls in reestablishing the Amani empire.

By the time the Horde was driven back, however, the orcs and their allies had already achieved their true goal: to steal and desecrate many of the Runestones that powered the elves’ defensive shield. The warlock Gul’dan then used the pilfered stones to power his devious Altars of Storms.

Although the Second War ended some years ago, the Dragonmaw and Blackrock orc clans and their allies--among them two tribes of forest trolls--have not given up trying to defeat humanity. Referred to as the Dark Horde by outsiders, this group is led by the orc Rend Blackhand, who has named himself warchief. A force of approximately five thousand strong, the Dark Horde regards itself as the true Horde, and believes that Thrall and his followers are foolish weaklings. Rend's forces reside in Blackrock Spire, and they have allied themselves with the black dragonflight.
Rebuilding the Horde

The voyage grew perilous when a violent storm appeared and inflicted heavy damage on the orc fleet. Fearing that the ships would not reach Kalimdor intact, Thrall ordered the Horde to seek shelter in the cove of a nearby island. The elderly leader of the Darkspear trolls, Sen'jin, greeted the orc newcomers and warned them that a group of humans had established an outpost on the island.

Despite Thrall's best efforts, a murloc sorcerer succeeded in carrying out the sacrifice. Mortally wounded, Sen'jin revealed that he had seen a vision in which Thrall would lead the Darkspears from the island.
The sea witch was furious at the slaughter of her minions and the defilement of her sanctuary. She summoned powerful waves to batter the island. Regardless, Thrall and his forces managed to defeat further murloc attackers, repair the damaged fleet, and retrieve a number of troll survivors.
In Sen’jin's honor, Thrall offered the Darkspears a place in the Horde and sanctuary in the kingdom he planned to establish in Kalimdor. Vol’jin, the son of Sen’jin, took control of the Darkspear tribe and accepted Thrall's offer. After the orcs departed, a large group of Darkspears also sailed for Kalimdor. Vol'jin and the rest of the tribe weathered the sea witch's anger, gathered all the supplies they could take with them, and joined their brethren roughly a year later in the new orc nation, Durotar. They made a home for themselves on the Echo Isles, just off the southeastern coast.
Further Turmoil for the Darkspear Tribe

Much relieved, the Darkspear trolls began returning to the Echo Isles, only to be betrayed by one of their own. A witch doctor named Zalazane used dark magic to rob several other trolls of their free will, forcing them to obey him. As his influence spread, his army grew while the number of free Darkspears dwindled. Fearing that all of his people would fall to Zalazane's insidious sorcery, Vol'jin ordered the tribe to abandon the Echo Isles.

Today the Darkspears and their allies frequently strike at Zalazane's holdings on the Echo Isles, determined to win back the trolls' first home on Kalimdor. In the meantime, Zalazane has not given up in his efforts to enslave his entire tribe, and so he continues to send his trolls to the mainland in order to drag further Darkspears under his sway.
Thats it guys i hope you like it :)
Jackie Raises Millions at Charity Concerts in China
Jackie has just returned from a charity mission to China which raised millions of dollars for the elderly and for disabled children. His first stop was the city of Nanjing where he paid a visit to an elderly center, donating fans to the residents and enjoying a short singing performance. His next stop was the Operation Smile Medical Mission Nanjing Center, which was celebrating its anniversary. The center was founded in 2001 through donations from the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation and the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation. Operation Smile is a not-for-profit, volunteer medical services organization that provides reconstructive facial surgery to needy children and adults. Jackie has been involved with Operation Smile for many years.
The Jackie Chan and His Friends 2006 concert was held at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center in Nanjing on the evening of June 24th. Jackie was joined by other popular performers such as Zhou Bi Chang, Zhou Hui, Po Shu, Zhang Na La, Sha Bao Liang, and the VC Girls Zhang Lei and Li Yue Ying. Jackie told a wildly cheering crowd of over 40,000 people that he was there to raise money for charity and that he would probably make mistakes and forget the words to the songs but that he hoped the audience would forgive him and enjoy themselves anyway. And enjoy themselves they did. Throughout the concert they waved banners and lights and occasionally sang along with the performers. Donations poured in and money raised by ticket sales and sponsors amounted to millions.
After the Nanjing concert, Jackie flew to the northern city of Harbin where he was greeted at the airport by hundreds of people, including a uniformed marching band and schoolchildren holding flowers. He spent the afternoon and evening of June 25th rehearsing and meeting with reporters, thanking them for their coverage of all of his charity events.
The second concert, which was held at the Harbin International Convention and Sports Center on the evening of the 26th, was attended by nearly 50,000 people and 3,000 police officers. Jackie thanked everyone for coming and apologized in advance for any mishaps that might occur during the concert. He mentioned that his heart was in the right place, but that didn't help him remember the lyrics to so many songs. Jackie was joined by such popular performers as Zhang Hong Liang, Qi Qin, and the enormously talented VC Girls, who flew from Nanjing to Harbin to attend the second concert.
During the concert, Jackie spoke of a young girl who had traveled 2 hours by train to Harbin and left a note at the hotel, describing how Jackie had influenced her to devote her life to charity work. The note was given to one of Jackie's staff and the girl and her parents were invited to the concert. Jackie spoke to her from the stage, telling her that it was wonderful that she wanted to devote her life to charity, but that she must finish her schooling first and then concentrate on charity work. The girl was led onstage where she spoke to Jackie about his influence on her life. She promised to finish school before devoting time to charity.
Also attending the Harbin concert were children from a local school for the deaf and from a nearby orphanage. When the children presented Jackie with a portrait of his mother, he was moved to tears.
Final numbers are not available yet, but the two concerts have generated millions of dollars for the elderly and for disabled children.
Jackie Becomes Appeal Patron of Save China's Tigers
In a show of support for the highly endangered Chinese Tiger, Jackie had his face painted with stripes in its honor for a campaign to halt the killing of these animals.
At a press conference in Hong Kong, Jackie helped launch the campaign on the afternoon of June 29th.
The Jackie Chan and His Friends 2006 concert was held at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center in Nanjing on the evening of June 24th. Jackie was joined by other popular performers such as Zhou Bi Chang, Zhou Hui, Po Shu, Zhang Na La, Sha Bao Liang, and the VC Girls Zhang Lei and Li Yue Ying. Jackie told a wildly cheering crowd of over 40,000 people that he was there to raise money for charity and that he would probably make mistakes and forget the words to the songs but that he hoped the audience would forgive him and enjoy themselves anyway. And enjoy themselves they did. Throughout the concert they waved banners and lights and occasionally sang along with the performers. Donations poured in and money raised by ticket sales and sponsors amounted to millions.
After the Nanjing concert, Jackie flew to the northern city of Harbin where he was greeted at the airport by hundreds of people, including a uniformed marching band and schoolchildren holding flowers. He spent the afternoon and evening of June 25th rehearsing and meeting with reporters, thanking them for their coverage of all of his charity events.
The second concert, which was held at the Harbin International Convention and Sports Center on the evening of the 26th, was attended by nearly 50,000 people and 3,000 police officers. Jackie thanked everyone for coming and apologized in advance for any mishaps that might occur during the concert. He mentioned that his heart was in the right place, but that didn't help him remember the lyrics to so many songs. Jackie was joined by such popular performers as Zhang Hong Liang, Qi Qin, and the enormously talented VC Girls, who flew from Nanjing to Harbin to attend the second concert.
During the concert, Jackie spoke of a young girl who had traveled 2 hours by train to Harbin and left a note at the hotel, describing how Jackie had influenced her to devote her life to charity work. The note was given to one of Jackie's staff and the girl and her parents were invited to the concert. Jackie spoke to her from the stage, telling her that it was wonderful that she wanted to devote her life to charity, but that she must finish her schooling first and then concentrate on charity work. The girl was led onstage where she spoke to Jackie about his influence on her life. She promised to finish school before devoting time to charity.
Also attending the Harbin concert were children from a local school for the deaf and from a nearby orphanage. When the children presented Jackie with a portrait of his mother, he was moved to tears.
Final numbers are not available yet, but the two concerts have generated millions of dollars for the elderly and for disabled children.
Jackie Becomes Appeal Patron of Save China's Tigers
In a show of support for the highly endangered Chinese Tiger, Jackie had his face painted with stripes in its honor for a campaign to halt the killing of these animals.
At a press conference in Hong Kong, Jackie helped launch the campaign on the afternoon of June 29th.
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