
Tova e samoleta s koito patuvah ot london do sydney. Tva e goggle snimka...obviously :D imam i moi snimki no za momenta ne moga da gi ka4a.
Dosta bqh razvalnuvan ot patuavneto. cqlata shema s letishtata proverkite i pro4ee...abe stranno si e :D
Da ne kazvam 4e beliq mi pantalon/dynki bez kolana mi padashe i bqh mega smeshnovat :D ama na...kolana mi beshe jelezen -_-
Do london pytq beshe tegav. Samoleta malyk i sma4kan koito pyrvo me nakara da si pomislq 4e s takyv shte patuvam i do sydney..bqh ujasen...
sedalkite bqha po 3 na broi,. az bqh v sredata mejdu 2ma idioti. dosta dis-komfortno patuvane 4esno kazano. dobre 4e beshe samo 2 4asa. edin haus set i ve4e bqh na Heetroll. ili kakto se pishe imeto na letishteto....Heetroll btw e OGROOOMNO internacionalno letishte. Za da stigna do moq terminal ot kydeto shtqh da se ka4a na samoleta do sydney trqbvashe ad patuvam 30 min s AVTOBUS....30 MIN. predstavqteli si kolko dale4e beshe...imam i snimki...shi upload kogato moga. Kogato otidoh v bezmitnata zona za shopping..kydeto se po4istvah kato Tom hanks v The Terminal :P vidqh tolkova mnogo indiici, 4e za moment pomislih 4e sam v indiq. Ironi4no nqkolko dni po-rano bqh gledal Slumdog millionare i mi beshe mega smeshno da gi slusham s tehnite akcenti. Daje mai se bqh vtreni4il v nqkoi ot tqh.
Edno ot predimstvata na bezmitnite zoni e 4e si4ko e mega eftino.....koftito beshe 4e v london taka ili ina4e si4ko e MEGA EXPENSIVE. Kupih si edna knijka ot knijarnicata...The Soul Drinkers omnibus koito sydyrja v sebe si 3 knijki. Deistvieto se razviva v the Warhammer 40k universe. V momenta v koito pisha toq post ve4e sam na 3tata 4ast ot knigata. dosta stabilno knijle.
Kupih si mnogo sadvi4i tyi kato nqmah si i predstava 4e shte ima papkane na samoleta. smisal znaeh 4e shi ima neshto....no ne misleh 4e shte e dostaty4no. V kraina smetka sadvi4ite se okazaha lame and horrible at best. No se pak po-dobre podsigoren ot kolkoto gladuvasht.
Kupih si i edna igra za psp/to.
Super super gotin arcade naprao se prysnah ot kef dokato q prevyrtah. Vyrneh se v detskite si godini kogato sony playstatino 1 beshe the ultimate entertainment :O Super raznoobrazni misii s mnogo zaribqvashti oryjiq s koito dapryskash gadovete koito ti ska4at. Mega gotini cut-scenes koito naistina zabavlqvat i daje te karat da speed-up za da vidish kvo stava po-natatyk v istoriqta. Imashe nqkolko momenta koito bqha malko po-hard mode na finalniq boss dosta pyti umirah....bqh naqsno s strategiqta no vypre si4ko mi ubqgvashe za izvestno vreme. vednyj daje s bosa umrqhme ednovremenno....talk about bad luck -_-`
V kraina smetka q prevyrtqh i otklu4ih challange mode koito oshte ne sam minal no koito syshto shi e dosta gotin. Ima 3 vida mini igri koito mnogo raznoobrazqvat igrata i te karat ad gi igraesh, no syshtevremenno ne sa tegavi i ne omryzvat. a i te sa po 5-7 misii za sqka tyi 4e nqma kak da omryznat. Igrata e naistina mega mega gotina i koito moje da q izigrae nqma da syjelqva.
Syshto oshte v budapeshta si kupih NARUTO ULTIMATE NINJA HEROES.
tipi4na tupalka tip street fighter. ima malko geroi ot koito da izbirash no pyk i samata igra e stari4ka i kogato sa q pravili poe4eto manqci v mangata oshte ne bqha pokazani. No seki e mnogo mnogo dobre izmislen s unikalen boen stil. bitkite sa mnogo dinami4ni. i leko dylgi trudno moje da ubiesh nqkoi s spamvane na butoni. Dmg ne e mnogo golqm ot normalnite udari dori ponqkoag jutsutata ne pravqt mnogo dmg. koeto qvno e napraveno s cel po dylgi i zabavni shvatki. Az sam oba4e qko noob i ne moa dapraq manqshki combota kakto PCto koeto v momenta me maje na hardmode. A ako ne mina 2te unlock challange niva ne moga da otklu4a 5ma geroi a 2ma ot tqh sa Itachi i Kisame s koito mnogo iskam da igraq. Obshto vzeto v momenta cykam naruto samo kogato imam nervi da wipe-fest/vam xD
ta...ot london do sydney pytq beshe 22 4asa...imahme qko zakysnenie v singapore...i dori kogato stignahem v sydney tqrashe da letim 30 min nad letishteto dokato vremeto se opravi...bummer...zakysnqh s 3 4asa.
Samoleta oba4e beshe obsolutely WICKED! Huge...to4no kato po filmite. Na sqka sedalka imashe touch screen kydeto moje da gledash filmi,tv shows, da slushash muzika i razni drugi rauti koito az ne pravih.
Misleh 4e shi cykam na pspto kolkoto moga i posle shi spa no...filmite me dyrjaha buden prez celiq pyt. Kakto i fakta 4e bqh na lqvata sedalka i manqka po sredata stavashe tolkova 4esto 4e edva se udarjah da go napsuam. no prez cqloto vreme bqh u4tiv i otzid4iv. se pak ne beshe 4ak takyv problem.
no pyk manqka tolkova mnogo qdeshe i pieshe s priqtelakta si 4e nakraq edin stuard doide i im napravi zabelejka.
Gledah edin film koito otdavna iskah da gledam...Forest Gump s Tom Hanks koito beshe WICKEEED. mnoo se radvam 4e nai-nakraq uspqh da go izgledam. Imashe dosta promeni v istoriqta na 4ove4estvoto ama te bqha mnoo fun napraeni. gledah i razni drugi filmi...Rainman s Tom Cruise . Animaciqta Bolt koqto beshe dosta gotina. Imashe golqm show off na tova koeto moje da napraish kato combat s cgi :P i se izkefih dosta.
Gledah nqkolko komediini shows na australians i napraih se pryskah ot smqh...tolkova mnogo 4e toq do men i toi si pusna da glead. Mnoo brutalni shows Shinji trqa gi gledash :O
Ta nakraq pristignah v sydney...a da..dokato kacahme bqh v kenefa shtoto imashe mnoo hora i az bqh posleden na opashkata...its kinda hard to take a crap...dokato samoleta hodi nasam natam :D se pak malko predi da kacnem si bqh na mqstoto...ama mi napravi vpe4atlenie 4e nikoi ne proveri kenefite xD mojeh da si ostana tam i do kraq :O
Zaradi bashta mi koito vyobshte ne e razbral ko staa i ko ne staa trqbvashe vmesto otivam pri 4i4o mi na po4ivka da kaja na grani4arite 4e samo otivam na po4ivka sami4ak. nqmah adres za prestoi koito mi dokara malko problemi. uspqh da si izlyja pytq i da grabna permission. ama posle na checka me izmyknaha 1 on 1 s edna policaika koqto me razpitvashe i me proverqavshe. razgovora beshe priqten no se pak bqh malko nerven shtoto mojeshe suddnely da kaje 4e ne moa da prodylja :O
Se pak minah blagopolu4no...god bless my mouth :D
Vednaga se namerihme s shefa mi...gorkiq me 4akal 3 4asa na letishteto haha. Dokato vyrvqhme iz parkinga kym kolata mu prez cqloto vreme se moleh da nqma nekva tarataika tyi kato po princip bashta mi mnooogo preuveli4ava..i kgoato kaza 4e toi ima mnoo kinti o4akvah syshtnost da nqma :D
oba4e kat mu vidqh LExusa :OOOO nz kyv model e...ama vytre beshe kato samolet naprao :o Dori volana...volana se izkarvashe ot ...nz kak da go opisha ama myrdashe s edin mashinen zvuk se edno idva ot transformers :O
predi nqkolko dni nau4ih 4e imal Porsche ama go prodal shtoto po negovite dumi,.,...ve4e e star i ima semeistvo i ne mu trqa takava kola -___-`
dyyyh kak shi prodadesh porsche e izvyn moite understandings :O
Shefa mi Bing...govori mnoo smeshno english...hi4 ne go vladee i ima ujasen akcent. Jena mu ...koqto e HOOOT :O (boje prosti mi 4ernite misli koito imam kym neq) govori dosta dobre no pak brutalniq vietnamese acent strui ot neq kato vonq na orc slojen v pole ot rozi :O
Brat mu ne znae gram english...toi irabotel za vietnamci i kato go gledam nqma i nai-malkoto namerenie da u4i english :O
Koeto e problem ot samosebe si shtoto ...im living with the guy....
Living e trudno da opisha situaciqta v koqto sam. qvno za 4 te meseca za koito e v stranata Si (tva e moq roommate) ne e smetnal za neobhodimo da si kupi kakvoto i da e obzavejdane. Makar 4e i kato go gledam kvo pravi seki den qvno i ne mu trqbva. imashe samo 1 leglo kato pristignah i 2 dni spahme na zemqta shtoto qvno mu beshe neudobno samo toi da e na legloto. A legloto syshtnost e .....be te si spat kato qponcite...na zemqta...samo ima dushek. Koeto syshtnost vyobshte nqma razlika...dali dusheka shi e malko nagore ili to4no na poda...realno nqma razlika.
posle mi zeha i na men...sysht sq ima mesta za 4 dushi da spat. tyi kato za nqkolko dena imashe edna vietnamka dyrta koqto beshe pri nego. tyrsila si rauta i sedeshe v kyshatta. Imame 2 stai...malka kuhnq i 2 bani/wc.
Malko stranen setup za jilishte i must admit. a nie sme samo v 1 4ast ot kyshtata v drugite 2 mislq ima oshte nekvi vietnamci no ne gi zasi4am...nai-mnogo da gi 4uq ponqkoga.
Syshtnost ako se vkara malko obzavejdane shi e mnogo mnogo priqtno mqsto za jiveene. dvora e hubav ama izostaven ot sqkav podryjka. no 1to fontan4e i malko ezerce opredeleno krasqt. ima si mini fitnes4e slojeno i basketbolen kosh daje. ama nikoi ne gi polzva :O syshtnost samo az polzvam dumbelite otvreme na vreme xD
kvartala deto sam nastanen atm e po4ti izcqlo asian. i po4ti izcqlo viet. koeto si e maniq gore dolu. Ima fitnes koito oshte ne polzvam oba4e. i kato cqlo izbqgvam da har4a pari bez da sam po4nal rabota.
grada e mnogo krasiv...i golqm...syshtnost centyra e sravnitelno malyk...i populaciqta e prysnata iz suburbs..koeto az shi preveda kato kvartali...ta tezi kvartali se prostirat na dosta ogromna plosht. ima dosta priqten transport v liceto na vlakove koito sa kato veni na grada.
Vidqh pro4utata opera :O btw izglejda po-golqma na snimki ot kolkoto e realno. no pak e interesno mqsto. syshtnost magiqta na sgradata beshe po4ti ubita za men v momenta v koito stypih tam. ve4e ne e 4ak tolkova epi4no mqsto tbh...
Vij zooparka do koito se stiga s feribot beshe ostrov na 4udesata :O tam se nasrah ot snimki. Vidqh tolkova mnogo jivotni koito vinagi sam iskal da vidq :O
KENGURU :P daje pipnah edno koeto super spokoino si roveshe v zemqta . syshtnost pri kengurutata nqmashe realni pregradi i ako nqkoe resheshe mojeshe da se butne pri horata. ili ako nqkoi beshe nahalen moje da otide pri kengurutata bez problem. imashe edin shtraus ili kvo beshe nz deto si vyrveshe mejdu nas nai-spokoino :D no kogato az i Si sa probvahme da go nabarame za picture izbqga..the pussy xD
vidqh super mnogo jivotni...poe4eto vyobshte nz kvi bqha. Zoo/to beshe huge...zeh si karta...i daje mi se naloji da q polzvam za da se orientiram po-lesno. Vidqh na jivo Lion and Tiger :O i mnoo se izkefih. imashe nqkolko jivotni koito se bqha kashirali v dupkite si i taka i ne gi vidqh, ot mnogo snimki nakraq bateriqta mi padna :D strahoten den beshe v Zoo/to i predpolagam shetshe da e oshte po manqshki ako bqh s priqteli tam :S .... yeah yeah nqkoi ot vas mi lipsvat...
razkarah se iz grada selashtiq den s cel da namerq manga shop koito prosto ne mojeh da priema 4e nqma. I bqh prav namerih qponska knijarnica kydeto imashe cql sektor za art. i bykashe ot english manga :D bykashe ot qponki i sekvi hora koito razglejdaha kopuvaha ili obsyjdaha manga.
Bykano beshe s Marvel Hardcovers...rai za kolekcionerite. ima action figures...i to super gotini ot highest quality. i ne sa i mnogo skypi. Ima malki golemi...sekvi figurki. prosylziha mi se o4ite ot kef dokato razglejdah :O
Takyv kef....kupih si 2 HC toma na Ultimate spider-man koito vklu4vat pyrvite 13 issues. bqha s 50% namalenie....koeto oba4e mai ne mi prispadnaha :O
Kupih si Vol 1 na Deathnote. . . tyi kato otdavna misleh da po4na nekva nova seriq da 4eta...i tav mi se stori dobyr izbor. shtoto vyobshte nz kvo stava v taq manga. I da si kaja ujasno mnogo mi haresa....im lookin forward in buying the next vols. :)
kupih si i Vol 2, Vol 3 na Warcraft Legends. novite mangi po WoW. koito bqha wicked. jalko 4e nqmaha Vol 1 :( no predpoalgam se shi izsko4i ili moje bi shte moga da si go pory4am :O Nqmashe i Vol 3 na the Sunwell trilogy a ve4e nau4ih 4e shi ima i nova trilogiq dragons of outland ili neshto takova :O wicked wicked...naprao nqmam tyrpenie. Ima 2 mangi po StarCraft....TokyoPop i blizzard izvednyj mnogo qko zarabotiha po manga seriite....sigorno dobri pari sa padnali ot Sunwell i sega smqtat da izcedqt fenovete na max. V koeto nqma losho shtoto mangite sa mnogo gotini.
kato po4na rabota redovno shte si kopuvam comics i manga ot knijarniacta. ve4e imam member card za -10% ot sqka pokupka koeto e dosta kogato kopuvash 5-6 neshta ednovremenno xD
Dnes se podstrigah ...pri...zabelejete Italianci. :D i guess destiny had its hand in this. Imame salon koito e semeen biznes na bunch of italians :O wicked :O
Sq kato se pribera shi vidq kak da si opraq britona. Beshe dosta trudno da obesnq kvo iskam...no mislq 4e se polu4i dobre. taka ili ina4e vinagi moga da experimentiram s nesho novo. Ili da si sloja shapka xD
Qd me e 4e ne moga da pokaja snimki . . . no nqmam pc oshte...dori shefa mi koiti e qvno prashkan s kinti ne si ekupil .....koeto ne moga da si go obesnq :O kak moje nqkoi da nqma nujda ot PC ili laptop. Samo shibaniq naem na aprtamenta kydeto jivee e 1500lv....!!!!!!! a btw pri nas e okolo 200 kinta na sedmica i nashte stai zaemat po-golqma plosht...ama toi jivee v manqshki kvartal do plaj i qvno ne mu puka 4e plashta bezbojno mnogo .....no sigorno i az ako imah pari shtqh da gi pileq po luks,...syshtnost Bing kaza 4e mislel da si kupi kyshta i gledal oferti i pro4ee.
Oshte dori toi ne mi e kazal kvo raboti i kato 4eli izbqgva toq razgovor. znam 4e posle shi me uredi s brat mu da ba4kame s nego...but what....misteriq :O nz i shto ne iska da kaje.
Ta za momenta shi trqa si fana nekva smotana casual rabota...koqto vypreki si4ko shte vadi ujasno mnogo pari sravneno s BG standarta. syshtnost edin Angli4anin koito ba4ka tuk mi kaza 4e standarta v avstraliq e po-golqm ot tozi v angliq....i parite sa po-dobri :O how bout that a :O
Skoro shi karam test za driver license...tuka shemata e dosta razli4na....a samite pravila gi nau4avash mega lesno shtoto otgovorite sa prekaleno qvni....prosto simple logika ti stiga da vidish koe kak trqbva da e. I sa samo 600 questions i ima otgovorite v internet kydeto moje da gi nazubrish...mislq utre da napraq 20tina probni testa i sled tova otivam do Melbourne da karam test. I posle obratno v Sydney za prakti4eskite 4asove.
Za momenta slackvam s razhodki iz grada...mislq kato po4na rauta i si namerq i razni priqteli da razgledam grada s tqh shtoto prosto shi e po-fun that way. appearntly imam akcent kato na nqkoi ot Nova Zelandiq :O koeto vinagi me razsmiva. No tuka si4ko e tolkova smeseno...tolkova razli4ni english akcenti 4uvash 4e moje da te zaboli glavata. Ponqkoga nqkoi hora ne sam sigoren 4e govorqt na angliiski :D
M...za momenta mai e tva....ve4e ma zabolq lqvata ryka ot pisane :D ...god klavieturata e tolkova malka...pyk mishkata tolkova ogromna i tejka...mislq 4e ima kamyni v neq :O
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The general difficulties of women's and men's style
Both men and women could feel the demands of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's style frequently feels a lot easier. Of course, for both genders, clothes and style choices can be just as elaborate, and there are many'cool'items which can easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion includes a few choice things that can exist forever - which man is going to keep an eye out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Choose basic pieces, colors and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
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The common man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous varieties for different events, but they are all common in their search for a smart, sharp search for the person. The great thing about classic style for men is that it is efficiently stylish simply cool. A well-groomed man can almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such apparel. A match will be worn to work in many careers because of the professional look it offers to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will be worn to many social functions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible flexibility that allows suits to be utilized in virtually all functions is what gives it its classic advantage and a permanent place in men's fashion.
Modern developments in traditional men's fashion
Though classic men's designs will never be changed, it's interesting to remember that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought particular classic garments back to fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, especially, has had back a wide-variety of classic types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, placing importance on appearance and working in a sophisticated approach. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'classic style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages clothe themselves in obviously Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the streets on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing impressive mustaches! That is only one of several examples of proof displaying the revival of such variations. There are also numerous blogs on line which give attention to gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, whilst specific issues with traditional men's style may be cut back as new styles, the basic outfits which they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.
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